Today's Problems.

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The morning was dead silent apart from the odd bird singing every once in a while.
Maeve and Tom lay asleep beside each other in Maeve's bed. Their limbs tangled together, Tom's arms were wrapped securely around the girl, who lay against his front.
Neither expected the night to end the way it did. Maybe that made it more fun, the adrenaline that fueled them and the impulsiveness of it all.

Maeve's eyes fluttered open slowly. For a brief moment her mind was completely blank as she basked in the comfort of her bed. It was peaceful but short-lived.

Two strong arms pulled her naked body closer to themselves, she felt their chin resting on top of her head and she could hear the pattern of their breathing.
She frowned as she slightly twisted her body to see who the stranger was.


She stared up at him with widened eyes, filled with panic and confusion. Her own breathing had sped up.

How was it these things had to happen to her?

Maeve bit her lip as she stared up at him, not knowing if she should wake him or not.
He looked so peaceful. His face was blank, not in a bored or angry expression but a calm one. Maeve's eyes diverted to his lips. Her face flushed as she forced herself to look away.

Gently pulling the covers off her body, she realised she was completely naked. Looking down at the ground she saw items of her's and Tom's clothing littered around the room.

Glancing back at Tom to make sure he was still asleep, she untangled her limbs from his and walked over to her closet and pulled out her pajama shorts and top. She needed to take a shower after so there was no point getting dressed.

Maeve quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom, not wanting to confront Tom about last night just yet.

It was nice seeing him look at her without a glare. She didn't realise how happy it made her feel.

The memories from last night started filling her head. God, the way he looked at her. Like he craved her just as much as she did him. It made her feel less crazy knowing he shared her feelings. It was odd to think something like that happens with someone who previously made you think they hated you. And maybe he did hate her, but last night made it easier for her to pretend he didn't.

Pulling out her favourite mug Maeve began making herself tea. She let Ben's record player play as she did so, but not too loud so Tom didn't wake up.

She hummed along to 'A Sunday Kind Of Love' by Etta James, as she placed a teabag into her mug and poured the hot water in.

Stirring it for a few seconds she lifted the teabag with a spoon and dumped it in the bin. Lastly she poured in her milk and a teaspoon of sugar.
Sipping the hot drink slowly she walked over to the couch. She sat on the couch with her legs folded, enjoying the music and peace. She savoured the feeling of the hot liquid going down her throat.

The peace was interrupted by several harsh knocks on her door and the distant sound of a female grown.

"What the fuck?" Maeve muttered. She frowned as she placed her tea on the table and cautiously walked to the front door.

Peaking her head out of the door she held in a laugh as she watched an obviously hungover Emilia struggle to find her balance. She opened the door wider so she could help her friend. Taking one of Emilia's hands, Maeve led her inside her home over to the couch where she previously sat.

"Why do people not make immediate cures for hangovers? It's ridiculous!" Emilia groaned. She leaned back on the couch as she massaged her head.

Maeve rolled her eyes at her friends dramatics. She poured her a glass of water.
"I take it you had a goodnight with Bill?" Maeve hummed as she handed the girl the water.

Emilia rolled her head to face Maeve, a cheeky grin making it's way to her lips. "It was great. I didn't sleep with anyone obviously, I'm not a cheater. But Bill.." Emilia raised a brow, "he had everyone trailing after him."

Maeve very well believed it.
"Is he at home?" Maeve asked.
She got into a comfortable position on the couch and drank her tea as she talked with Emilia. Even while hungover the girl could still talk.

"Yup. We walked home together." Emilia confirmed. She drank her water quickly.
"Is Ben back from his date?"

Maeve had only just woken up, but she knew if Ben was here he would already be up and sitting on the window seat. His favourite place.

Mave shook her head.
"Things must have went well."

Emilia hummed.

The two girls talked so more on the couch. It was nice. Maeve never realised the extent to which she had missed Emilia.

"What a boring song." Emilia complained, she glanced around to see where the record player was.

Maeve looked at her offended.
"There is nothing boring about Minnie Riperton!" She defended.

Emilia gave her an "are you serious?" Look.

Emilia stood from the couch and approached the record player. Maeve followed after her.

With Emilia's back turned to her, Maeve wrapped her arms around the girls neck in an embrace, swaying their bodies at the same time.
"Lovin' you, is easy cause you're beautiful!" Maeve playfully sang, her words being interrupted by her laughter and Emilia's.

"Makin' love with you, is all I wanna do!" Emilia joined in. She spun around as she dance with Maeve.

The two girls danced and played around to the song. Their laughs were loud and filled with sheer joy.

A door opening and another closing was heard.

Maeve's body froze. She prayed silently that Emilia didn't hear it.

"What was that?" Emilia stopped dancing, looking in the direction of where the sound came from.

"What was what?" Maeve acted oblivious.

Emilia's eyes narrowed as she looked at Maeve with suspicion. Then suddenly her mouth formed an 'o' shape, and her face flooded with realisation. Maeve felt her heart drop.

"Someone stayed the night with you!" Emilia accused.

Before Maeve could say anything, Emilia was running to the direction of where the noise came from.

She watched as Emilia opened her bedroom door. She knew exactly who she would see inside.

Emilia stopped dead in her tracks as she stood in th doorway of Maeve's bedroom. Her mouth was wide open, her eyes even wider as she pointed an accusing finger at Tom.

The most surprising part was that Tom didn't look one bit bothered. Almost like he expected Emilia to barge in or to already know he was there.

Maeve wished to whoever was above to let the ground swallow her.

Calmly, Tom walked past Emilia and towards the kitchen where Maeve stood. He  held eye contact with Maeve as he smirked at her. His eyes trailed up and down her body, stopping briefly at her exposed legs.

"Morning, flower." He smiled at her, fully aware of the effect his presence had and oblivious to Emilia's shock and Maeve's embarrassment.


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