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Emilia had a large, dazzlingly smile on her face. Her eyes squinted slightly as a result. It was her best feature. She gazed up at her long term boyfriend, Viktor, with so much love that the whole room could feel it radiating off of her.
Viktor was a tall, dark haired and dark eyed Italian man. He had made sure to show up to Emilia's show, wanting to witness everything. It was clear just by the way he was looking at her, that he was proud of her.

The couple stood in the centre of the room which the after party was being held in.

Towards the back Georg, Gustav and Bill were talking together. Georg and Gustav had their partners whilst Bill had came with no one.

Even Ben had brought the mystery woman he was seeing. The two had left early as they had already booked dinner reservations.

Maeve stood at the bar not wanting to be a third wheel for Emilia and Viktor but also not wanting to be surrounded by happy couples. She downed a shot immediately after the barman placed it Infront of her. She winced slightly once she felt it's burn, but nevertheless enjoyed the slight bounce of energy it gave her.

Maeve noticed the worried glances the barman was throwing her and the smirks from the men at the end of the counter. She ignored them both by turning around and facing the crowd.

Her eyes landed on Emilia and Viktor right as they were about to kiss, quickly she adverted her gaze to the other side of the room. Where she saw Tom.

He was talking with two other men who Maeve didn't know. They looked to be having a great discussion by their intrigued faces and long replies.

Feeling her stare Tom looked past the men he was talking to and directly at Maeve. He knew where the stare was coming from instantly.

His words slightly stuttered as he talked whilst looking at Maeve. He held her stare for a few seconds longer before focusing back on the conversation. Trying to erase the thought of Maeve by ignoring her.

Maeve sighed in defeat, her shoulders slumping as she frowned.

She could escape the happy couples and displays of affection. The room suddenly felt too crowded and warm, and she couldn't hear herself think.

Slowly Maeve pushed through the crowd in the direction of the exit. She needed to escape even for a single second.

The doors were almost like magic the way they trapped the noise from outside until it was only a slight hum. The cold breeze washed away the discomfort she previously felt, her body began to relax as she rested her back on the wall of the building.

Not soon after Maeve heard the door open and close again.

She knew it was him before she saw him.

He walked until he was only a few mere inches away from her. The breeze lightly brushed through his tied back hair, not messing up his slicked back hairstyle.

It was silent for a moment, Maeve thought he wasn't going to say anything at all until he did.

"Don't look at me like that. Not now." He spoke almost pleadingly.

Maeve knew he was referring back to their moment of eyecontact just moments prior.

Maeve stayed silent, enjoying the cold air on her skin as she stared out Infront of her.

Tom sighed quietly, looking at her briefly before turning around to head back inside.

"This is the second time I've ruined things between us. I don't mean to do it." Her voice was gentle and soft, Tom couldn't help but listen to it as he stopped walking.

Collide - Tom Kaulitz Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora