Love And War.

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Maeve fiddled with the zipper of her purse as she sat in the back of a taxi on her way home. Her feet ached as they sat in her heels, the makeup on her face felt heavy and gross.

She watched the city pass in blurs through the glass of the car window, it had started raining making the windows blurred with water droplets.

The driver was humming along to a song on the radio that she didn't know, he had asked her if she wanted to change it but he seemed to like it so she didn't.

Maeve wanted nothing more than to drop dead on her bed, in her pajamas with a mug of hot chocolate.

Luckily the drive home was quick, before she knew it the car was pulled up outside her apartment building.

"Thanks." She called to the driver, handing him the money she owed him. She shut the door behind herself as she listened to the car drive away behind her.

Her feet moved quickly along the pavement to get out of the rain and inside the building. Surprisingly there was alot of people standing around on the ground floor, Maeve wasn't bothered to ask why.

Keeping her head down she walked up the stairs until she reached her apartment.

Upon walking inside she was met with Ben typing furiously on his laptop. He sat with perfect posture at the table, a concentrated frown on his lips. He looked up in her direction when he heard the front door close. A charming smile replaced the frown on his lips.

"I didn't think you'd be back so quick?" He questioned, surprise in his tone.

Maeve shrugged.
"Me neither." She sighed as she began taking of her shoes. "what has you typing so angry?"

Ben let out a dramatic sigh, leaning back in his chair as he stared at the computer like it was an insult to himself.
"The human version of the devil himself. The only thing on earth capable of sucking the life out of you."

Maeve frowned, "an unhappy client?" She asked.

"My mother." Ben corrected.

That caused Maeve to snort, she knew how particular Ben's mother was. She had never gotten the pleasure of meeting her in person, only getting a nasty scolding over the phone for 'being a bad influence on her son!'

"Well, I wish you luck. I'm heading to bed."

"Night." Ben hummed as he went back to typing on his laptop.

Maeve stared dreamily at her bed. It looked so comfortable with the fluffy blankets and pillows. Unfortunately she had to take off her makeup and get ready for bed before she could crawl into it.

So that's what she did. Starting by removing her makeup, she then went into the shower before changing into her pajamas.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips once she fell onto her bed. She just lay there for a few moments, her eyes tired and no energy in her body. She rested her head on her arms. It was peaceful, besides the fact she could vaguely hear Ben shuffling around the living room. The buzzing sound of her phone disrupted her daze. Stiffly, she moved her head to see her phone screen light up on her bedside table.

Maeve groaned, she just wanted five minutes of peace. Stretching her arms out for the device, the hairs on her arm stood up as they felt the cold air.
Squinting her eyes to adjust to the phone's brightness, she read the newest text message.

How did the date go?? Was it a good match?

Those words made her cringe. Levi was a nice guy. He was polite and respectful. Perhaps it would've been a good match, that is if Tom hadn't spoiled it.

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