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The boys sat in rehearsal practising song after song. The room was warm and smelt of sweat and cigarettes. They would be performing the last show of the entire Humanoid Tour tonight, everything had to be perfect.

Bill sang each song with enthusiasm, never forgetting lyrics or making mistakes. Georg and Gustav played the bass and drums with energy as they played on time and kept up with each other.

Meanwhile Tom, who usually never made a mistake in rehearsals or on stage, lacked the enthusiasm his bandmates had.

Each strum of his guitar was slow and lacked the passion it usually held. The band noticed immediately. They had noticed Tom's behaviour for most of the tour. No matter how he tried to hide it, or how many girls he tried distracting himself with, the boys noticed.

They all knew the reasoning behind it of course, they knew he missed Maeve more than he was willing to admit.

Tom looked up at the boys when he noticed they had stopped playing. His brows knotted together in confusion.
"What?" He questioned them.

"You still miss her." Gustav spoke up.

Bill and Georg nodded their heads in agreement.

"You've been quiet all tour. Maybe you should try contacting her?" Georg suggested.

Tom let out a breath. Carefully he placed his guitar down.
"I need a break." He muttered.

"Tom!" Bill called out after him, but it was no use.

The boys watched hopelessly as Tom left the room. They knew there was nothing they could do, it was up to Tom. There was silence in the room, none of the boys being quite sure what to do. Bill wanted to follow his twin, to make sure he was alright, but ended up deciding Tom needed time alone to clear his mind.


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