Apology For The Past.

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Just as Bill had said, Tom lay awake in his bed. His face had regained some colour but his temperature hadn't much decreased.

The door made a creaking noise as Maeve opened it, causing Tom to look in its direction and to Maeve. He frowned upon seeing her.

"I didn't think you'd still be here." He said. His voice wasn't as hoarse but it had a slight rasp to it. He didn't glare or smile at her, his face was completely blank.

"Well I am." Maeve said simply. She moved to sit on the edge of his bed, her body facing him. She tried to keep herself calm so he wouldn't see how nervous she was.

"I never got the chance to apologise to you." Maeve spoke up. The atmosphere in the room had been tense and awkward. Maeve fiddled with her fingers, but she held the eye contact with Tom.

"For what?" Tom snorted, he looked at Maeve as if she was insane.

"For leaving all those years ago without a proper explanation or goodbye." Maeve confessed. She watched the confusion leave his face and be replaced with nothing. Once again his face was blank. He didn't say anything, he waited for her speak again whilst he would listen.

"Forget it. That was years ago. I'm over it." Tom muttered. His lips pulled into a frown and his eyes moved to the ceiling.

Maeve sighed, "then why have you been annoyed with me since I've gotten here." Maeve raised an unbelieving brow.

Tom rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I'm not blaming you." Maeve spoke up again, "I get why you're mad at me. I do. That's why I want to apologise."

Tom listened to her but he didn't say anything.

"I-" Maeve paused.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.

The words were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't bring herself to say them. She physically couldn't force them out of her mouth.
She stared at Tom. Nine years ago Tom would tease her for her sudden silence. Now however, Tom waited quietly for her to speak. He had this look in his eyes, almost like he knew what was going on in her head, he just wanted to hear her say it.

Maeve swallowed quickly. She straightened her posture and tried to look more confident.
" I'm sorry." She finally spoke. "I really want my best friend back. I've missed being able to talk to you." Her voice slightly cracked as she felt the urge to cry.

Best friend.

That's not what Maeve wanted at all. She wanted something more. Yet she just couldn't say it. Maybe it was fear of rejection, or maybe it was better to have Tom in her life as a friend, then nothing at all.

Tom's brows furrowed together. He looked intently at the girl infront of him. How beautiful she looked, he could smell her perfume from where he lay. It wasn't an overbearing scent, infact he loved it.
This was the girl he fell in love with all those years ago. Here she was, asking for them to be friends.

He knew he wouldn't survive just being friends. He couldn't watch her date other guys. To have them touch her the way he craved to touch her. For them to kiss her the way he desperately wanted to.

He couldn't be friends with Maeve.

Friends didn't have the same thoughts about someone, that he had with Maeve.

It was bad, he knew that.

The frustration it caused him was slowly taking over his mind, controlling his actions and words.

He couldn't be friends with Maeve when he felt the way he did.

"You should leave." He stated. His voice was dangerously low, like he was trying to control himself. He kept his focus on Maeve.

It broke him to see the pain spread across her face, for her eyes to lose their usual brightness and be filled with disappointment and hurt.


"Just leave Maeve." He sighed.

Shocked by his words, Maeve nodded her head silently.
Quickly she got up from the bed, and without a single look back at Tom, she left the room.

She wouldn't cry.
She wouldn't cry.
She wouldn't cry.

Tom stared at the spot where she previously sat. Her perfume still clung to the air. He breathed the scent in, his head fell back against the headboard.
"Fuck." He muttered, he knew he made the wrong choice.


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