Ugly Atmosphere.

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Maeve leaned against the bathroom sink, her head down and her hands resting on the counter top. She took deep breaths in and out to control her temper. She squeezed her eyes closed and all she saw was Tom. His eyes, his hair, his smile, his face. All looking back at her.

Tonight was supposed to be a fun, simple date. It turned out to be the opposite.

She wasn't expecting to see him there, however he always seemed to show up when she least expected it.

Part of her was sad about how her and Tom's relationship had changed over the years, what the distance between them had done. She knew that was her fault. She was the one that left.

They snapped at each other instead of joking around. They sent glares instead of smiles. Maeve longed to have a proper, civilised conversation with him. To ask him about what he got up to during the years in which they were apart. She knew neither of them were capable of doing that without an argument starting.

She lifted her head up and glanced at herself through the mirror. At the same time one of the cubicle doors behind her opened up.

Maeve recognised the girl who walked out of it. Her long shiny black hair that looked like silk and revealing dress she wore was the same worn by Tom's date. It was hard not to notice her.

The girls eyes met Maeve's through the mirror, they exchanged awkward smiles. Ariana walked to the furthest sink, only one between it and the one Maeve leaned over.

Maeve stood away from the counter, choosing to fix her hair to distract herself.

She heard the girl chuckle quietly, Maeve glanced at her confused. Ariana began washing her hands.
"You must be one special girl. Tom barely looked at me when you arrived. That doesn't happen much to me on dates."

Maeve frowned.

"If someone looked at me like that, I wouldn't be out on a date with another guy." Ariana moved to grab some tissue to dry her hands.

"What? Glaring at each other?" Maeve laughed in disbelief. Part of her thought they were talking about two different people.

Ariana gave her a knowing look. She walked to the door, pausing to take a glance back at Maeve.
"Ah, I see." She muttered.

Maeve frowned again at her vague words.

Ariana left the bathroom before Maeve could question her words.

Her shoulders slouched and her eyes briefly closed. She knew she had to get back out there, she didn't want Levi thinking she had ditched him.

She took one final glance at her reflection. She could see the energy leaving her by the second. Fixing her posture she plastered a smile on her face before walking out.


Levi and Tom sat quietly at their tables, both their dates gone. Levi kept his brown eyes trained ahead of him as his leg continued to bounce up and down. Tom could see the action out of the corner of his eye, causing him to grow irritated.

They sat on opposite ends of their seperate tables, able to see each other's faces if they were brave enough to risk a glance.

Tom did. He examined his face and grew more confused. What was so special about him? Out of everyone why did Maeve pick him?

Levi grew more anxious by the second as he was left alone with Tom. The man intimidated him if he's being honest. Levi knew he was apart of some rock band, making him a celebrity. It wasn't just that, the way Tom was sat so calm and unbothered whilst he was a nervous wreck,  made him even more self-conscious then he already was.

There was a thick awkward silence between them. Levi wasn't stupid, he saw the way Tom kept looking at Maeve, she knew his name too. Levi guessed it was jealousy. He didn't want to seem like a rude person, so he decided to speak up and make small talk. Just until the girls came back.

Normally Levi would never be the first person to talk, but Tom cleary wasn't going to. There wasn't nothing worse than awkward silence in his mind.

He cleared his throat to try gain Tom's attention, obviously that didn't work. Regardless he moved his eyes to Tom.
"So, how do you know Maeve?"

Slowly Tom's eyes looked in the direction of Levi's voice. His face was blank and emotionless.
"We were married. We actually have a kid together too. Did she mention that?"

Levi's eyes widened impossibly wide, all colour draining from his face. He stared at Tom as if he were a ghost.
"W-what?" He breathed out, sounding scared.

Tom smirked. Feeling proud of himself.

Before anymore words could be exchanged between the two men, the sounds of heels approaching their tables was heard.

Instead of looking at Ariana, Tom only looked at Maeve. Watching as she took her seat and beamed happily at Levi. Tom found himself growing jealous.

Ariana caught the action. She let out an irritated huff as she picked up her purse.

"You want to stare at another woman?" She snarled, "Fine, go ahead!" She gave Tom one last glare before walking away, making sure to hit the side of his face with her purse.

Maeve and Levi watched the encounter in shock. They expected Tom to deny it or get her to stay, he didn't. Instead he barely acknowledged her absence, sipping from his glass calmly.

Maeve cleared her throat awkwardly, smiling at Levi hopefully.
"So, do you have any plans for the future?" Maeve innocently asked.

At her words Levi grew even paler, his eyes worriedly flickered in all directions, he looked like he was going to get sick.
Suddenly he stood from his chair, pushing it back harshly against the floor. Maeve's eyes widened as she gasped slightly, not expecting the sudden movement.

"I can't date somebody with a kid- I can't be-uh-i can't!" Levi's words spilled from his mouth in anxious splutters.

Maeve looked at him completely dumbfounded.
"What are you talking about?" She muttered, her brows knitted together.

"And I certainly cannot put up with him!" Levi pointed an accusing finger at Tom before quickly storming away.

Maeve was left in complete confusion, she could barely process what had just happened.

Then, she looked over at Tom. He was smirking at her, teasingy her with his eyes. Maeve felt her blood boil beneath her skin.
"You lied to him about me having a kid, didn't you?" She said flatly. Her usually kind eyes were filled with rage. She felt her fingernails dig into the skin of her palms.

Tom shrugged innocently.
"Atleast now you know he doesn't want children."

Maeve laughed. An angry laugh that lacked humour. She pushed her chair back and picked up her bag that was hanging off her chair.
"You're an immature jerk, Tom Kaulitz."

Maeve didn't say anything else or spear him another glance before she stormed out of the restaurant, leaving just enough money on the table to cover the wine her and Levi had drank.

Tom sighed.

He swallowed the remainder of his drink. The waiter came to ask if he wanted something else, but Tom denied. He was no longer in the mood for drinks or company. So he payed and went home. His mood had soured and guilt and jealousy ran through his veins.


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