Two: Auditions. Part Two.

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A few minutes later, Finn, Puck, Artie, Mike, and Ashleigh were standing down while Sam stood in front of them...

"So, Sam, tell us something about you." Ashleigh tells him.

"My name's Sam Evans. I like comic books, sports. I'm dyslexic, so my grades aren't that good. But I'm working on it." Sam said.

"Dude, your mouth is huge." Puck said.

Ashleigh smacked the back of his head.

"Ow, Ash! Why you do that?" Asked Puck.

"Seriously, had to ask? Shut it." Ashleigh tells him.

"No, seriously, how many tennis balls can you fit in there?" Puck asked.

"Uh, I don't know. I've never had any balls in my mouth. Have you?" Asked Sam.

Ashleigh and Finn's mouths opened, staring at Puck, looking away.

"Finn, I like this guy." Ashleigh whispered, leaning over to Finn.

"Yeah. I like his confidence." Finn says.

"I do too, but that Bieber cut's gotta go." Artie tells them."

"Sam, can you sing with that big mouth?" Ashleigh asked.

"Uh, I've never really sung in front of anybody before." Sam said, looking at her.

"Dude, let me tell you, chicks dig singers." Puck tells him.

"Not always. And just for your information, I don't dig you." Ashleigh says.

"You did. When you kissed me that one time... might need my memory refreshed soon." Puck said.

"In your dreams. Anyway, why don't you just give it a try? It's only us here. We'll back you up if you need it, I promise." Said Ashleigh.

"What song have you got in your back pocket?" Finn asked.

"Um, "Billionaire?" Asked Sam.

Finn clicked his fingers at Sam, walking away.

"Ooh, love this song. Good luck." Ashleigh said, walking over to a seat, sitting down.

Sam began playing the guitar as the song started.

Sam 🎵 I wanna be a billionaire So freaking bad Buy all the things I never had I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine Smiling next to Oprah and the queen Oh, every time I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights Yeah A different city every night, oh, I I swear, the world better prepare For when I'm a billionaire 🎵

Finn was sitting at the drums.

Artie 🎵 Yeah I would have a show like Oprah I would be the host Of everyday Christmas Give Artie a wish life I'll probably pull A Angelina and Brad Pitt And adopt a bunch of babies That ain't never had it Give away a few Mercedes Like, here, lady, have this And last but not least Grant somebody their last wish It's been a couple months That I have been single, so You can call me Artie Claus minus the ho-ho Ha-h, get it I'll probably visit where Katerina hit And darn sure do a lot more Than FEMA did Yeah, can't forget about me, stupid Everywhere I go I'm a have my own theme music 🎵

Sam 🎵 Oh, every time I close my eyes 🎵

Artie 🎵 Oh, what you see? What you see, bro? 🎵

Sam 🎵 I see my name in shining lights 🎵

Artie 🎵 Uh-huh, uh-huh, and what else? 🎵

Sam 🎵 A different city every night Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah 🎵

Artie 🎵 Oh, I swear🎵

Sam 🎵 World better prepare 🎵

Artie 🎵 For What 🎵

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