Twelve: The Sue Sylvester Shuffle.

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Sue and Becky were watching the cheerleaders...

The song came to an end, and Sue reached for a megaphone.

"I'm bored. Ladies, I am at a loss. Brittany, please remind me... of how I single-handedly put cheerleading on the map." Said Sue.

"In 1979, you directed a made-for-TV movie... about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders... called The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." Brittany said.

"That's correct, and in the meantime, what's changed?" Sue asked.

"Ashleigh. Remember her? Or maybe personal grooming habits." Quinn says.

"What's changed is that I have completely lost interest, and ladies, I blame you. Becky, more silicone falsies." Sue said.

"Got it, Coach." Becky tells her.

"You will each enhance your bust with an additional pair of chicken cutlets, in an attempt to add some jiggle to what is the most boring routine I have ever witnessed." Sue tells them.

"Coach Sylvester, this is the most elaborate routine the Cheerios have ever done. We're shoo-ins at regionals, and we're the favourites to win at nationals." Quinn said.

"I am still bored. Even things I used to think were hilarious... Sandbags, slap yourself with a chicken cutlet." Sue says.

Santana slapped herself with it.

"Slap Brittany." Said Sue.

Santana hits the chicken in Brittany's face.

"Not even a chuckle." Sue tells them.

Later, Coach Beiste was standing by the field with Artie as the game was about to begin...

Finn was standing with his football teammates.

"I just want to take a moment to tell you guys how proud of you I am. We don't even have to win this game to go to the championships next week, but nobody took it off. When we take a knee, we're gonna finish first in conference... for the first time in McKinley history." Finn tells them.

"Football's back, bitches!"

"Maybe we all should break into a song after we win." Said Dave.

"Hey, hey. Shut it, Karofsky." Finn says.

"No fricking way. I figured if I stay on you, you'll run away like your little butt buddy Hummel; at least Ashleigh had the guts to stay! I mean, I did try killing her." Dave said.

Sam breathed heavily, glaring at Dave, and moved forward, and Finn grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing? Get off me! He's admitting it!" Sam shouted, shoving Finn off him.

"We already knew, Sam! All we can do is stop him from doing it again." Finn tells him.

"But then again, it's funny; you seem to always go on and on and on about calling people gay... you're the one who's never had a girlfriend!" Sam spat.

The crowd began booing because they lost, and Beiste flipped the table over angrily.

In the locker room...

"What a joke! What happened?! Finn, you're the captain. Talk!"

"Karofsky sucks! That's what happened!" Finn shouted.

"He couldn't take a joke about his precious Glee Club!" Dave shouted.

"Because I'm sick and tired of you guys getting down on us for it! We're in Glee Club. Who the hell cares! What's the big deal?!" Finn asked, shouting loudly.

"It's embarrassing."

"Maybe you'll think it's cooler when I go Tik Tok on both of your faces!" Puck shouted, standing up.

"Bring it, Puckerman." Dave says, standing up and looking at him.

"And you... don't even get me started on you! Leave Ashleigh's name out of your goddamn mouth! Do you hear?!" Puck asked, shouting at him and pushing Dave against the lockers.

"Champion game or not, I am not blocking for him." Dave said, pointing at Finn.

"Get the hell out of here!"

"Fine!" Dave shouted. "I'm coming! Watch!"

"Well done, Puck! You've just got another target on her back!" Sam shouted, shoving him and walking away.

Back with Sue, she was writing in her diary...

Sue's Voice-Over: "Dear diary, I am in crisis. Not even the can't-lose combination of boobs and fire can get me going. Is it the raccoon hormones my new doctor gave me? Maybe. Here I am, 31, and already a legend. What do I do as a second act? I'm simply at a lost. How do I make things interesting again?"

Later, Sue walked across the field with Becky...

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