04- A Game Of Chest

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If you're not brave, no one would back you up

Whatever, old man," the king replied in the same mocking tone. "Don't blame me though, we made the mistake together," the king added as a reminder but Thunder being Thunder, just snorted in disagreement and went back to watching the show unfold with a chuckle while the King shook his head in disbelief. Now he was thinking Thunder was insane.

"The mother of his what?" the lady asked blinking in fake surprise.

"His goddamn baby," the lady replied annoyed.

"You're saying you're pregnant but have the pleasure of wearing such clothes?" the masked lady asked looking at her flat belly intensely.

"I'm just two weeks pregnant so what's wrong with dressing up a bit before my belly starts growing big?" She asked with a haughty attitude which made the masked female tsked boringly.

"Do you know that the king has a mate out there?" the masked female asked with a serious tone. Her sudden statement made the lady nervous whiles the pack's jaw dropped. The king pursed his lips tightly after hearing her statement.

"Well, she's just a mate and I'm the mother of his first child so she would have to reject him," she said heartlessly. The woman was wicked.

"Playtime over. Let's get to the serious issue," the masked female said.

"Are you worthy of the king?" She asked staring at the haughty lady intently.

"Yes. After all, I'm the daughter of one of the most powerful Alphas in this country," she replied with confidence.

"Would you die for him if that is what would save his kingdom?" She asked, her tone turning serious every passing second.

"Of course not. The life of the child matters the most because he's the heir to this kingdom," she replied more confidently. The pack laughed hearing his answer, she's so dense. The king shook his head, hearing the woman's selfish answer. She's so power-hungry that she forgets logic.

"What's your name?" another question rang out. She was enjoying the game.

"Bella, Isabella," the haughty lady replied unsure why the masked female was asking for her name.

"Isabella as the daughter of a powerful man, you're truly dense. You're dumb," the masked lady replied shaking her head.

"You want your so-called child to be an heir to a fallen kingdom?" She continued to ask.

"You must be mentally ill, lady Bella," she added. She was going all out insulting her and embarrassing her.

"You..how dare you insult me, you peasant," the lady bellowed trembling in rage.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Esabella, calm down. Okay, pregnancy hormones are making you more undeserving of a king," the masked female said with a chuckle. The pack hollers with laughter.

"Can you fight for what is yours?" She asked with curiosity.

"Of course," Isabella replied with more confidence. Her hand gripping the king's tightly.

"Then fight for it," the masked female replied. Before everyone could comprehend what her words meant, she grabbed the king's hand and pulled him behind her. Isabella's grip on the king slipped and she stumbled backward.

"If you love someone, you never let your guard down," the masked female lectured with a bored tone.

"And what happened now means you don't love this man. Now you should go to where you're coming from, the king is exhausted," the masked female added with the king's wrist still in her hand.

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