Not Easily Forgotten

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Kelshun was so exhausted that her entire body ached, her feet burning from hours of treading through city streets in high heels. With a heavy sigh, she finally collapsed into the car, desperately seeking respite from the day's demands. Hamza, on the other hand, was no stranger to these kinds of situations. He had grown accustomed to these grueling occasions and didn't feel as fatigued as Kelshun. Nonetheless, he joined her in the vehicle, gently closing the door behind him.

As the driver revved the engine, Hamza cast a concerned glance at Kelshun. Her tiredness was palpable, evident in the way lines of exhaustion etched her face. In a tender gesture, he reached for her slender legs and carefully slipped off her heels, providing her with even a small measure of comfort. It was an act of love, a silent acknowledgment of how precious she was to him.

With a sense of helplessness, Hamza studied Kelshun's half masked face as she dozed off. There was something about her vulnerability that both melted his heart and filled him with a degree of trepidation. Slowly, he assisted her in lying down sideways so that her head rested gently on his lap. Her soft hair cascaded over his legs, the pearls adorning it shimmering under the car's interior lights. Hamza barely dared to breathe as he delicately removed the pearls, wanting to preserve and safeguard every precious moment they shared.

He yearned to do more, to wipe away the remnants of her makeup that still clung to her tired face. However, he hesitated, mindful of the mask Kelshun wore, a reminder of her privacy and how carefully she guarded it. Respecting her boundaries, he chose not to intrude, knowing that true connection couldn't flourish without trust.

Hamza understood that wooing Kelshun would not be as simple as he once believed. He had quickly learned that she carried a weight of grief and love for her late partner that couldn't be easily forgotten. It was a realization that humbled him, but also fueled his determination to prove that he was worthy of her heart. Every action, every gesture, was driven by his desire to demonstrate his unwavering dedication.

As the car hummed along, Hamza let his thoughts linger on the future, uncertain of what lay ahead in their journey. But he was certain of one thing: he would patiently and persistently continue to unravel the layers of Kelshun's heart, knowing that within its depths lay a love that was worth fighting for.

After getting home, he laid her down on her bed and went to his own room. He let out a tired sigh as he took off his clothing, replacing them with a pair of joggers. He then went towards his desk and switch on his laptop, he has a couple of unfinished work. He doesn't want to have piled up works from this moment forward because he wants to spend more time with Kelshun from now on, get to understand her better.

As days went by the two have been trying to get more closer to the other, to know and understand each other, for Hamza it was working but for Kelshun, everyday with the king was a reminder of what she couldn't secure so she has distanced herself from him for twenty four hours, she really wants to let go of the past but it's just not working, it harder than she thought.

She woke up early today, she did her morning business, she took her bath, got dressed in all black before exiting her bedroom, she walked out through the backyard and disappeared into the woods with no destination in mind.

"Have any of you seen Kelshun?" Hamza asked the guards stationed outside.

"No sir" they replied causing him to let out a sigh of helplessness, the girl has been drifting away for few hours now and he knows that she was drowning in her past again.

Kelshun never came back the whole day so as night falls Hamza made up his mind to go look for her but just as he was about to exit the living room, a tired, bloodied Kelshun walked in a relax posture. The pack members and guards who were in there looked at the girl in shock.

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