Chapter 3: Second Gift

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Percilla was still reading the book when Marcus showed up for their meeting that afternoon, sitting at their regular table

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Percilla was still reading the book when Marcus showed up for their meeting that afternoon, sitting at their regular table. Marcus had spent the whole day trying not to kill the youngest Weasley boy. He might only be in his second year, but he planned to kill the younger. Flints were not a family you wanted to mess with as all the men were big and territorial. Sitting down, he watched as her blue eyes raised from the page she was on. She was still biting her lip like she did when she was concentrating or nervous.

"Hi," her voice came out as a whisper as she closed the family book his mother got out of the vault for him when he made his intentions clear.

"Hi," his voice said in its usual low tone as he raised an eyebrow at her. "enjoying the book?" Marcus was fully smiling then as he noticed the blush that slid over her porcelain cheeks.

"I am. Thank you for them. You didn't have to, you know."

"I did." The sureness that came out of his mouth caused Percilla to close her own as she held eye contact with him.

"Marcus?" His name on her lips was exciting. Marcus was a man of many things, most of them mean and scary things. But he had simple guilty pleasures, and it seemed like Percilla Weasley was one of those. "Are these... Um, well."

She couldn't get the words out as she bit her lip again. Marcus couldn't stop as his arm reached the table to grip her chin. Her eyes went wide, and all he could think was how incredibly blue they were. Moving his thumb over, Marcus tugged her lip out from being abused by her teeth. Once released, he swiped the pad of his calloused thumb over the plump red lip. "Yes." The words were simple but effective as he answered her unasked question.

"Oh," came a breathy reply as their eyes stayed locked. "Are you sure?" That one caused Marcus actually to chuckle.

"Percilla, I would never make an intention known if I was not one hundred percent positive it was what I wanted." Marcus decided earlier to make his feelings known, "besides, Flint's always get what they want." The sly smirk on his face widened when the blush deepened.

Marcus was not good at showing his feelings. The men in his family were hard-working men. Marcus spent his whole life on the farm caring for the animals, gardens, and people. He watched his father do the hard labor and essential tasks while his mother tended to the gardens, the house, and the children. Melantha Flint nee Farley was not afraid to get her hands dirty. She cared for everyone in the family, honoring the Flint family motto. However, that did not mean she couldn't play the game regarding the title. Melantha Flint could be just as mean and vicious as she wanted to be regarding her family. She was one of the most vital and knowledgeable women Marcus had ever known until he met Percilla Weasley.

Marcus was heading down to the Quidditch pitch that evening with the rest of the Slytherin team. Marcus knew that he was pulling a prick move. Wood had reserved the training time months before this day, but Marcus knew that the note from Professor Snape would knock the Gryffindors out of the spot. The Flints and Woods have been competitive with one another for centuries. Both are from farming families, their land not far from one another. However, within such close proximity, petty wagers were placed, competitions were brought up, and before they knew it, generations of the two families were trying to outdo the other. There was no feud, just friendly fun. The truth was all of the agricultural lands swore loyalty to one another. They protected each other. And for that, Mother Magic blessed their land.

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