Chapter 23: Healer

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Amidst the billowing clouds of steam, the majestic Hogwarts Express glided gracefully into the bustling train station, heralding the long-awaited homecoming of its beloved students. The clatter of wheels on the tracks echoed with excitement. As the train gradually slowed to a halt, Percilla could see that the platform brimmed with families and friends eagerly awaiting the sight of their loved ones.

Percilla was worried. While riding to the platform, she had not thought about how her pickup meeting with her parents would go over. It was easy for her to get lost in being with Marcus that she did not know about having to go back to her life at the Burrow until her wedding in August. Would they get to see one another?

Surely Bill would make sure that she would get visits with Marcus. It was only right in betrothal contracts that the pair got visits with one another. However, she could only imagine the fighting her mother would cause during that time. If Percilla kept her head down, she could ride out the few months with only a handful of altercations.

The hiss of the steam subsided, replaced by cheers and laughter, as students poured out onto the platform, their faces alight with joy, weary from the magical adventures of the year but brimming with stories to share. Hogwarts had once again fulfilled its sacred duty, returning its cherished pupils to the warmth and embrace of home.

Percilla stood as she watched the students in their compartments begin to stand and gradually file out. The butterflies in Percilla's stomach were causing uneasiness to form over her as she stood waiting beside Marcus. She felt his magic slowly move out from around him and envelope her, calming her down.

Taking a breath, she looked over to see Marcus watching her with studious eyes, silently asking her questions.

"Just worried. We'll see each other over the Summer, right?" Percilla knew she was being silly, but her fears that her mother would lock her away were still in her mind.

"It's tradition for a newly bonded pair to have several outings. I have several court ship dates in mind, and a chaperone will be provided. My mother will also want to host a few parties over the Summer. Tradition dictates you'll need to be in attendance." Marcus explained, shrugging his shoulders. "I doubt Lord Weasley will keep you away."

"I don't think Bill is who I'm worried about," Percilla muttered as she looked away from Marcus' dark eyes and towards the line of students.

Percilla took a deep breath as she held onto Marcus' elbow. It seemed strange to her the formal way all the Slytherin appeared to set in a unified line as they disembarked the train. Percilla could see out the windows the number of children who were running from the train to their parents.

The nerves of Molly's wrath were still wiggling inside Percilla. Subconsciously she tightened her hold on Marcus. She did not doubt once that he would protect her, but she didn't want a spectacle made in front of the wizarding world. The Weasley family had a bad reputation currently for their previous acts. Percilla also knows how much elder Witches enjoyed the gossip.

No, Percilla thought as she straightened her back. Running one gloved hand over her green dress. She was going to be a member of the Flint family. This was the moment for the Flints to show off and be proud of Percilla. She wanted to honor the name she would be carrying when she wed.

"Calm down," Marcus muttered, giving her a knowing side-eye.

Percilla felt a blush rise to her cheeks as Marcus was able to read her like a book. Biting her lip, she looked at the dark-haired boy she would marry. "There's something I'd like to tell you."

Marcus raised an eyebrow at her for Percilla to continue. However, it was challenging to come out. Opening her mouth, she tried to get the words out, but she quickly snapped it shut like a fish, then felt embarrassed.

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