Chapter 13: Valentines day

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Percilla Weasley has never felt so nervous in her life. All week she had been wracking her brain on what to get Marcus for Valentine's day. Percilla never had to worry about getting anyone a Valentine before. She had prided herself on intellect and hard work. Now she fretted over what to get her boyfriend? Fiance? Betrothed? Marcus for the occasion.

Percilla stared at the wrapped box. They had promised to exchange gifts later after breakfast. The gift-giving tradition was new to Percilla as Marcus was the first boy to ever really show an interest in her long enough to extend the holidays. The gift over Yule was easy to imagine and transfigure, and while Marcus kept it in his pocket everywhere he went, this one was a little more personal.

Ignoring the feelings of scrapping the gift and returning to the drawing board, Percilla quickly took the box and shrunk it down to fit inside her jacket pocket. If she drew on the situation any longer, she would chicken out. Making her way down the corridor, she was excited to see many happy children mulling about. There had not been another petrification since the Hufflepuff Justin and Sir Nicholas. Percilla had spoken with Madam Pomfrey and said that if she needed any assistance administering the medicine, she would like to extend her services. Professor Sprout had been discussing how the Mandrakes were progressing splendidly in the hall the other morning.

Marcus had liked the idea of Percilla going into Medicine and even encouraged her to ask to assist Madam Pomfrey next year. It was strange for Percilla to have someone so encouraging of her wants.

"Perci!" A winded voice came, causing Percilla to turn around and see Harry coming down the stairs. Percilla waited for him to catch up, and they began walking side by side.

"Cutting it a bit late like normal, Harry," Percilla commented, sending him a knowing smile with a slight shake of the head.

"Sorry, I found something I wanted to tell you and Marcus about later," Harry's voice was a little over a whisper Percilla narrowed her eyes too.

"That doesn't sound good," Percilla warned. Harry always seemed to find himself in trouble. She wasn't sure if he actively looked for it or if it was just problems that sometimes fell into his lap.

"Nothing bad, just." Harry's words cut off as they walked through the Great Hall doors for breakfast.

It didn't take long to realize why Harry's words were cut off. The whole Great Hall was decorated as brightly colored pink, red, and white heart confetti fell from the ceiling and onto the table.

Without a thought, Percilla moved in front of Harry, giving the Great Hall a once-over. However, looking at the front of the room, Percilla knew who was behind the change. Professor Lockhart was standing there in bright pink robes with a smirk.

'Oh, give me a break,' Percilla thought but placed a smile on her face and began to lead Harry to the Gryffindor table that was covered in hearts. Percilla stayed with Harry until he sat down next to Neville, who quickly jumped into a conversation about the confetti being on the food and if it would be poisonous.

Satisfied that Harry was safe, Percilla made her way to the Slytherin table to sit beside a glaring Marcus. While Marcus' had an ever-existing glare, the way he was staring daggers at the Professor's table allowed Percilla to know who his rage was towards.

"Glaring at him like that will not have him bursting into flames," Percilla jokes as she sits next to the eye of her affection.

"Maybe," he groans before turning his dark eyes away from his ire and towards her. "But maybe it might melt those ugly robes off him."

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