Chapter 5: Yule

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Yule was fast approaching Percilla wasn't sure when her tutoring sessions began to become so full. It started with maybe five students all in the same house. However, it had grown so that Percilla had to break the tutoring sessions up by content and available for all houses. Marcus was with her a lot of the time, silently standing behind her watching out for potential danger. Percilla thought it was silly as the hair comb she had been gifted had protection charms embedded.

Today was Charms. She had Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff, year five. Terence Higgs, Slytherin year four. Hannah Abbott, Hufflepuff, year two. Millicent Bulstrode, Slytherin year two. Athanasia Tremblay, Ravenclaw year three. Evanora Max, Ravenclaw year five. Adrian Pucey, Slytherin year seven, and Sorin Cornfoot Gryffindor, year six. It had become more than just a tutoring session and a group of people helping one another out. Young students struggling with a respective topic would come and ask questions. There was no annoyance, no bullying, and no judgment. It was a really wonderful time that Percilla felt terrible for charging students. When she brought this up to Marcus, he just gave her a confused look and bluntly told her 'no.'

"So I know each year is a bit different, but luckily professor Flitwick gave me his lesson plan for each grade and made copies of what is expected." Percilla began handing out rolls of parchment of their year while giving gentle reminders.

"Millicent, don't forget to speak up, I know you're generally a reticent girl, but you'll need to speak clearly when doing an incantation."

"Cedric, you get in too much of a rush. It's not a race, no matter what you quidditch boys think. Slow down, and you'll do fine."

"Athanasia, stop reading ahead. You need to master one spell before moving to the other."

"Sorin, it's all about memory. It'll come to you."

Each one Percilla knew on a first name basis, each one she knew their strengths, weaknesses and how to give them a pep talk. Marcus smirked as he watched her make her way around the room.

"You'd be a good mum someday," the comment came out of the left field as the pair walked towards the Gryffindor entrance that night. Percilla felt the smile spread over her lips as she thought about it. Percilla had not really thought about being a mum. She didn't have the best role model for balanced home life.

"What makes you say that?" Percilla asked as she squeezed Marcus' hand, which was holding her own.

"I can just tell," Percilla pouted at his lack of a reply, "besides us, Flints are a good judge of character."

"I bet you are," Percilla playfully retorted to the smirk on Marcus's face.

"What do you plan to do for Yule?"

"I'm staying at the school," Percilla stated dryly. She knew she was probably not welcome back at the burrow. There was no doubt that Ron had owled their mother, letting her know about Marcus. Percilla was relieved that she had not received a Howler but was a bit saddened that she had not even received a letter from her parents all year.

"I was going to go home, but if you are going to stay at the castle, then I might as well."

Percilla stopped them as she looked up at the taller boy, "Marcus, don't do that. I don't want you to miss out on doing your family traditions this year because of me."

Marcus kept smiling at her as he listened to her worry, "what makes you think I will be missing out on family traditions?" Marcus continued walking as he pulled lightly on Percilla's hand. "In Slytherin, Professor Snape looks the other way and allows us to celebrate Yule, Samhain, Beltane, the way Mother Magic intended."

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