Chapter 14: Memories

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The relief of not having prefect duty with Penelope made for a good night in Percilla's mind. She walked around and was incredibly thankful that no one was petrified during her rounds. It had been a few weeks since the last petrification of Justin Finch-Fletchly. Maybe the attacker had stopped, but Percilla was not sure. Finishing up her rounds, she headed back to the Common room. Harry was waiting for her as she through the door.

"Harry? What are you doing up? You should be in bed?" Percilla asked, her eyes widening at the twelve-year-old in her bedroom.

"I have something I want to show you!"

Harry's rushed voice concerned Percilla as she walked up to the empty couch. She about fainted when she saw the diary spread out with an ink bottle and quill beside it.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Percilla questioned quickly.

"Just come here, watch," Harry countered as he sat down and dipped his quill in ink. Percilla didn't want to do this, she was tired, and her bed sounded good. However, she got closer as she watched Harry write in the diary.

Percilla blinked her eyes a few times. The words Harry wrote were there one minute and then gone the next. Was she asleep standing up?

"Harry, what," But then there were more words forming on the paper. Taking a leap, Percilla made her way over to the couch and sat down, reading the words that had appeared.

Taking the quill from Harry, Percilla quickly jotted down a swirl of 'Hello, who is this?'

'Hello, I am Tom Marvolo Riddle. Who is this?'

Percilla felt her heart begin to beat faster as she read. The diary was talking back to her. Biting her lip, she stared until the words disappeared again.

'Percilla Weasley. Are you related to Marvolo Gaunt?'

'I am. Are you related to Melinoe Weasley?'

Percilla dropped the quill fast, like it had bitten her. A gulp of air went into her lungs as she stared at the question being asked. "Harry, what is this?"

"It's the diary. I noticed that it didn't get ink on it, and that's because it absorbs it." Harry replied eagerly.

"The same diary Marcus told us to leave alone?" Percilla questioned hesitantly before picking the quill back up.

'I am. Do you know what happened to her?'

'I do.' the words were there but replaced with another sentence. 'Want to see?'


Percilla was confused as she and Harry peered over the book, unsure of what that meant. A gold-like color began to shine on the book's spine, and before Percilla could count, it was like her mind had been taken over.

The haze disappeared, and Percilla quickly realized she was no longer in the Gryffindor standard room. She was outside. The trees looked bright and green as what looked like the wind was blowing through them, but Percilla could not feel the breeze. Turning, she looked around to see if she noticed anything but couldn't. A hand grasped her own, causing a frightened yelp to leave her lips, only to find Harry beside her.

"Where are we?" He asked, his own voice showing his worry.

"I don't know. Oh my gosh, Marcus is going to kill us," Percilla said, worry flooding her whole body as she looked around again, stopping when she noticed a figure walking towards them. He looked to be a young boy, probably sixteen, maybe seventeen. His hair was dark black, but his eyes were blue.

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