Chapter 27: Tea

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Percilla stood before the mirror, her reflection framed in a lovely navy blue dress she had chosen for meeting Marcus and his mother at the Golden Apple that afternoon. She couldn't help but feel a wave of insecurity wash over her as she scrutinized her appearance. Her hand smoothed the front of the dress for what felt like the hundredth time, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. She attempted to smile, but her nerves betrayed her, making her feel forced.

This meeting was supposed to be a joyful occasion, a discussion about their impending marriage. Just thinking about it threatened to bring tears to Percilla's eyes. She hadn't expected to be betrothed, let alone to someone like Marcus. While high-born wizarding girls from prestigious families often found suitable matches arranged for them, Percilla had never thought it would be her.

She was a true pureblood in many ways, but the Weasley name carried a different weight in the wizarding world. Bill, her elder brother, worked tirelessly to change the perception of the Weasleys, but the task was monumental. Percilla took a deep breath and reminded herself that Marcus had seen something in her, something worth loving. She had so much to be thankful for, not the least of which was the transformation he had brought about in her life.

Her attire spoke volumes of the changes she had undergone. The A-lined navy blue dress that elegantly fell just below her knees, paired with tights and flat shoes, was a far cry from the hand-me-downs and worn trousers she had been accustomed to. It was Marcus who had opened her eyes to a world of possibilities and self-discovery she had never considered.

Percilla had always been an independent and hardworking girl but was also quiet, insecure, and guarded. She had built a formidable wall around herself to protect her heart from the world's cruelties. But Marcus, perceptive and unyielding, had breached those defenses. He had taken the time to know and understand her; in return, she had found love in him.

This newfound love was both exhilarating and terrifying. She now looked forward to seeing him, cherished his every word in their letters, and sought his counsel and wisdom. Marcus had gradually chipped away at her tightly held control, and she had willingly relinquished some of it to him, knowing he would never hurt her.

Percilla had improved Marcus's life in her own way, just as he had enriched hers. Their love was a complex tapestry woven with flaws and imperfections, but it was a tapestry she was unwilling to change. As she took a deep breath, released the tension she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and smiled at herself in the mirror, Percilla knew she could face this meeting. It was one more step closer to a future she never imagined she'd have, a future that included someone who loved her for who she was.

With a determined nod, she decided she was ready to embrace this new chapter in her life and walked out of her room, leaving her insecurities behind for the time being.


The Golden Apple was a name that had always carried an air of prestige within Wizarding England, and Percilla had never ventured beyond its facade, let alone into its grand rooms. Today, however, she found herself walking down Griffin Alley, leading to the exclusive restaurant. Bill had been kind enough to accompany her into Diagon Alley as he was headed for a meeting with some Lords he had befriended during his time at the Wizengamot. This had spared her the risk of getting soot all over her dress.

The day was splendid, with warm sunshine and a gentle breeze that playfully teased the tiny wisps of hair that escaped her braided updo as she walked along the cobblestone streets. As she turned the corner, her face lit up with an almost uncontrollable smile. Standing tall and composed, Marcus was engaged in conversation with what seemed to be his Mum. Melantha Flint was a stern-faced woman that Percilla had initially feared.

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