Chapter 4: Friends

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Percilla tried to ignore her brother for a few days but was not interested in any apology that Ron could force out. Percilla had spent her whole life trying to be what everyone wanted her to be. The perfect girl that Molly had always wanted in a sea of boys. Percilla cooked, cleaned, got the post, got good grades, and obeyed. However, she was invisible to her mother. Arthur Weasley was a good man but blindsided. He worked all day trying to make ends meet in a department that did not respect him. Arthur Weasley had been obsessed with muggle artifacts so much that that has become his life. He would spend his time at work with them, then in his shed outback, tinkering and dissecting the artifacts. Percilla knew that her father was raised in a semi-traditional family. Her grandmother Cedrella was a member of the prestigious Black family. While Septimus Weasley was still considered a blood traitor by Black standards, he still believed in the olde-ways.

Bill had told her that father got caught with a muggle writing utensil once when he was a teen by his mother, who freaked. Apparently, Cedrella was not accepting, and Molly was overindulging. Percilla knew she sounded bitter towards her mother. It was a pang of guilt she always carried with her whenever a critical thought came about. Molly was not abusive. She did not hit her children or starve them. But it was lonely being in a house with so many people. Molly Weasley had her hands in everything and nothing at the same time. She had a million projects around the house that she bought stuff for but never completed. She always had something that needed her attention that she could not help you with. If one of the younger children needed something, it was one of the older children's jobs to take on that responsibility. Molly had always wanted to be a mother, even as a young child. She and Arthur married young, right out of Hogwarts. Had Bill only nine months later. Neither striving for something nor driven for something more significant than where they were. Percilla knew they were poor, but it was not because of a lack of opportunities. Her parents were fine being where they were. They did not see a need to change, even if it could give their children more options. Molly had finally felt more fulfilled when Ginny came along. By then, she had seven young children while a war was going on.

Percilla and Marus were heading back from Hogsmead. It was a lovely Saturday afternoon, a bit nippy as the winter holidays approached. Percilla enjoyed her time with Marcus and his friends as she met Adrian's betrothed, Verena Rosier, sixth year Slytherin, and Graham's Heiress, Peony Parkinson, fifth year Slytherin. The girls were lovely and exceptionally social to Percilla. It was strange how welcoming they had all been to her. It seemed the only person who said anything was Draco Malfoy. Verena had let it slip about Marcus defending her honor in the common room one afternoon when the Malfoy heir asked him how he done it. Apparently, Marcus didn't even have to reply before the second year asked how he could stand being so close to a Weasley. Percilla didn't let it show on her face and would not admit it, but that stung a bit.

"Oh, how did he put it, Peony," Verena said excitley in a hushed tone as if she was keeping a secret from the men.

"I thought Malfoy's were smarter than to insult a courtship of a Flint," Peony said, giving Percilla a smile as she placed a hand on her chest in delight. "He didn't even have to raise his voice. It scared the boy."

"I like it best when he punches them," Adrian stated as he sat beside Verena.

Percilla looked over at the man that sat down beside her. Marcus wore a dark green cashmere sweater that was soft when Percilla's arm brushed up against it and a pair of black slacks. It was casual, but he looked so attractive. Percilla felt a little embarrassed, knowing she was the black sheep in her sale rack, in her woolen gray and black plaid dress. Her winter cloak was old and a bit threadbare. Charlie had given it to her before leaving for Romania, as he was small like her.

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