Chapter 29:Burden

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Bill was not prepared. That was all he could think as he was woken up that morning by Percilla screaming. Shooting out of bed, Bill ran out, his long red hair knotted up sticking out. Bill was not the only one awake by the screaming as Fred and George poked their heads out of their room and stared wide eyes at him.

Turning to them, he pointed, "Did you do something?" It was a valid question. Both the twins were known for causing mass havoc. However, with a wide-eyed shake of their heads, Bill continued towards the screaming.

"WHY? Why, Ronald Weasley, would you ever do this?" Percilla was screaming from her position at the foot of Ron's bed. The boy in question was lying there with wide, sleepy eyes as he held his blanket close.

"Hey, Hey, what's going on here?" Bill asked, his voice rising to be heard.

Percilla rounded. Her eyes were murderous as she looked at Bill and tossed some parchment at him. Bill caught it confused as he noticed it was the Daily Prophet. Percilla was typically never upset like this. She got mad or disappointed, which would generally go into a lecture, but she was never this upset.

"Ronald decided one day to go give Rita Skeeter an interview about our family." Percilla's tone was sarcastic but held so much hurt as she turned around to stare at their youngest brother.

"Oh, Ron, no," Bill signed as he closed his eyes. He felt like he was drowning. Bill was trying so hard to do what he could for his family. Bill was on his last leg, and it seemed to be burning. Flipping through the Prophet, he made it to the article. Bill closed his eyes as he tried to will himself not to slump down to the floor.

"What. Wha?"

"What? What?" Percilla sneered as she held onto the post of Ron's bed to steady herself, "Don't play stupid now, Ronald. It's always been a favorite of yours."

Bill opened his mouth to stop the insults. Being mad was one thing, but Percilla was so upset she would say something she didn't mean.

"I cannot stand you," Percilla continued as she gripped the wooden post harder. "You are the most spoiled little boy I've ever met. Do you ever think about anyone but yourself! HONESTLY RONALD!"

Fred and George exchanged concerned glances as Bill struggled to find the words to calm the storm raging through Percilla. The weight of their family's struggles pressed down on him, and the last thing he needed was a family feud tearing them apart.

"Percilla, come on now," Bill tried.

"No, Bill," Percilla cried as she turned towards her eldest brother and then back to Ron. "Someone has to say it. You have been fed lies your whole life, Ronald Weasley, that you're special. Poor Ron, don't make him do chores because he has sore hands. You're not special, Ronald! Look around! I do all the cooking and cleaning. Bill is working almost two jobs! Fred and George are tending to the gardens and trying to learn meetings with Bill. Ginny still hasn't woken up, and Dad is in the hospital trying to get his memories back because he's been held hostage for 15 years!"

Percilla was breathing heavily, and Bill could tell that she was on the verge of crying as her words began to crack a little.

"We are all trying to fix the stuff Molly broke! And you are doing nothing but breaking it more. Mummy's boy right there. Well, if you want to be with a mother who abuses and puts down every single one of us, then be my guest, go! LEAVE! You'd be doing us a favor."

Ron raised his brown eyes in bed as he stared at Percilla, "That's not true! Mum was wonderful!"

"Oh yeah, I seem to forget you got the ideal Mum. You would cry and complain about wearing hand-me-downs, but guess what? They were at least boys. I wore Charlie's clothes! Who got chocolate frogs every time we went anywhere? The twins had to try to use Uncle Gideon and Fabian's old wands, but at least Ronald got a Chocolate Frog before we left."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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