Chapter 3

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A/N: I am so glad ya'll are loving this fic! It'll definitely be 15-20 chapters as they're quite short and I have a lot of briam headcanons aha

A/N: swearing & homophobic comments

The car ride to school Liam's leg didn't stop bouncing, riddled with anxiety. Sure, it wasn't the end of the world if he didn't make the team. However, it would be nice and he had worked hard for this opportunity.

Plus, Brett had seemed to take a liking to him. That was sure to give him some brownie points for sure, hopefully. Arriving at his school he grabbed his bag, "don't be nervous, okay? Walk in there like you got this" David encouraged.

Liam nodded, "Thank you" he said exiting the car and shutting the door. He heard the car drive away so he began to walk forward. "How are you feeling?" Mason asked once he entered the school, "nervous, but excited" Liam replied.

He was excited to see if he made the team, but he was also terrified. He really did do his best. "Only one way to find out" Mason said, they saw Garrett walking ahead and called out to him, "you ready?" Garrett asked with a small laugh.

Liam nodded, "I hope we both get in" Liam said. Mason smiled wishing them both good luck before walking towards his first class, always preferring to get there early. Garrett and Liam entered the locker room where they had been told to meet, there was already a group of boys waiting inside.

Although it was generally a male's sport, it was even more male dominated at Devenford Prep. Given the fact that it was a private school most of the girls were your typically girly girl. They would rather go to the mall or do their hair then play a dangerous sport.

That didn't stop them from cheering from the bleachers trying to find their lacrosse boy sweetheart, they enjoyed watching the game. Regardless, the pair found themselves sitting together on the bench in the back of the room.

That was when Brett entered the room, a piece of paper in his hands as he stood at the door. Immediately catching Liam's gaze he smiled, "alright let's get this started" Brett said, his eye dragging down the list until he found Liam's name.

Sending a subtle wink the boy's way Liam visibly blushed, "some of you are going to leave this room sad and thinking your chance is over, it's not. If you weren't chosen today, go home and figure out why. Practice and improve" Brett said in a clear tone.

Liam's leg continued to bounce up and down, practically hanging off Brett's every word. "Alright" Brett began listing names, people Liam didn't even know. That was when his name was called out, his head raised and a smile appeared on his face.

Brett folded the list and put it into his pocket, "congratulations to those who were chosen, those who weren' may leave" Brett stated. Liam watched as Garrett began to stand, he grabbed his wrist "let go" Garrett said annoyed, shaking his hand free.

Truthfully, Liam had been so nervous he wasn't listening to the names being called out. Only when his was did he perk up, he was too lost in thought. It still hurt though; he didn't even congratulate Liam. "Garrett wait-" Liam said standing up.

About to follow him Brett's hand reached out, stopping Liam from exiting. "It's okay, he'll get over it" Brett said, his signature smirk in place. "Uh, I should still check on him" Liam said looking down, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"Don't you want first pick at your jersey number?" Brett replied, handing Liam a chart with the available numbers on it. Liam gave the door another glance before sighing, he took the pen from Brett's hand and circled the number 9.

Now that was officially his lacrosse number.

"I'm not surprised you chose 9" Brett smiled, taking the pen back and passing it to the next guy. Liam nodded, "yeah, I guess" Liam said. Brett could sense he was uncomfortable, probably because of the little scene his friend had caused.

"You did really good yesterday, were lucky to have you" Brett complimented, confusing Liam. He had always thought Brett was a cocky arrogant asshole, but he wasn't that bad. He was nice?  Liam let out a nervous laugh, "thanks." he replied rubbing his arm.

"My only suggestion is you work on your back shots, they were a little sloppy" Brett criticked, not that Liam had really asked for it. But he was still happy to accept the critic, after all he wanted to be good at lacrosse.

Not just some average player.

In the chaos that was his life, lacrosse was something that made him feel free. He wasn't scared, he wasn't angry he was anchored. Lacrosse calmed him down and gave him a healthy way to express his anger and energy without badly hurting anyone or himself.

"I'd be happy to run drills with you" Brett offered with a smirk, Liam nodded. "Sure, that would be great" the younger boy said, he would be silly not to take him up on that offer. Considering Brett was the team captain, it was best to stay on his good side.

Published: 13th September 2023
Word count: 883

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