Chapter 6

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A/N: Heyyyy! Sorry for the delay in updates I've been dealing with some personal issues but I'm back <3

Entering the lock room Brett focused his senses, despite still learning how to use his werewolf abilities he was doing rather well. He was a born werewolf, but unfortunately for him his parents were killed in a fire.

Only sparing his life and his sisters, they managed to survive with minor wounds and injuries. If Brett hadn't of smelt the fire and gotten himself and Lori out of there, they would have died too.

He was fortunate enough that Satoni was a friend of his mothers, she had taken them into her home and her pack without hesitation. Given the fact that Brett had been 13 and Lori 11 she wasn't going to let them live on the streets.

She treated them like she would treat her own, that included werewolf training. His lack of control had always concerned Satoni, eventually she gave him the mantra that she always used and it seemed to calm him down.

It didn't always work though, not when he was really angry. Often triggered by lacrosse and stupid players on the opposing team, that's when he was the most competitive and angry.

Lori on the other hand was a lot better at controlling herself, she might as well be human. She didn't like being a werewolf and she didn't really care for it, she pretended it didn't exist half of the time.

Only when Satoni made them practice and train did she ever use her abilities, it was honestly a shame. Given her natural ability for control she would be a lot better at being a werewolf if she gave herself the chance.

None the less, he found what he was looking for or more importantly who he was looking for. "Liam" he said catching the smaller boy's attention, "yeah?" He asked turning around, his blue eyes meeting Brett's.

"What are you doing after school?" Brett asked, leaning against the locker. He heard Liam's heart skip, "oh uh, nothing.. I don't think.. why?" Liam asked, nervousness clear in his voice as he was clearly taken back by Brett's question.

"Come over" Brett said, he was always straight forward. His father had taught him that, don't beat around the bush. Go for what you want and take it, don't just sit back and wait for it to fall in your lap.

"Oh um, why?" Liam asked, putting his gear into his locker as his eyes darted back to Brett. "Because I want you to come over?" Brett said in a hushed tone; looking around to make sure nobody else was in the room.

The last thing he needed was to be treated like Danny was, to be treated like an outcast. Sure, he was a werewolf but nobody knew that. The last thing he needed was for people to assume his sexuality and judge him for it.

"What if I'm busy?" Liam asked closing his locker and facing Brett with a slight grin, "you're not busy" Brett replied with an equally amused smirk, "come on, it'll be fun.. I have snacks" Brett said making Liam laugh.

"Fine, but only for the snacks" Liam reluctantly agreed, turning to walk out before pointing a finger back at Brett, "and you have to drive me home afterwards" he said waiting for Brett to agree, only when he nodded did Liam exit the room.

Brett knew he wanted Liam, he could feel his wolf craving him. Not even in a sexual way, just in a way that he needed him. His presence grounded Brett, it anchored him. Satoni had always told Brett to find an anchor beside his mantra, a physical one.

Liam was his anchor, he could tell. But he wanted him to be more then just his anchor, he wanted him to be his in every way. Hopefully Liam returned those feelings otherwise tonight would be very awkward.

The rest of the day had moved on rather fast except for bio class which seemed to go on forever. Liam couldn't express how much he hated biology, it was so boring.

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