Chapter 11

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A/N: Comments make my day! This is a longer chapter since it took a turn and I couldn't find a place to pause it aha but I still hope you enjoy <3

A/N: Gay slur & swearing

Morning came and Liam rolled over, in his half-dazed state he forgot he wasn't at home. His arm reached around and jolted when he felt something warm under his skin, his eyes flew open but relaxed when he saw Brett beside him.

"Morning sunshine," Brett snickered, he had woken up a few minutes ago. He noticed a few things Liam did when he slept, he didn't snore which was a plus. But he would make small noises, he moved a lot and he was a cuddler- not that Brett minded.

"Morning," Liam groaned, his eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around Brett and pulled himself closer until his head was resting on the older boy's chest. The pair hadn't done anything intimate; they had played some GTA and when Liam's tiredness finally caught up with him they laid in bed with a movie on.

It didn't take long until Liam had fallen asleep on Brett's shoulder, that was when the beta turned the movie off and placed Liam in a more comfortable position. Finishing it off with placing a blanket over him he found himself also beginning to doze off, soon enough he did.

"We have school soon," Brett said, running a hand through Liam's soft brown hair. The younger boy whined his disapproval, "trust me I'd love to stay here all day with you, but coach needs me today," Brett said in a disappointed tone.

Liam perked up, "what does coach want?" he asked. He didn't even realise he was tracing circles on Brett's chest as their eyes met, "I don't wanan go, I'm so comfortable," Liam whined.

Brett snickered, placing a kiss upon the boy's forehead. "We need to plan out our positions and line up for the next game," Brett explained before sliding out of Liam's grasp and standing up despite the younger's protests.

"I didn't bring a change of clothes," Liam sighed, "can I borrow one of your shirts?"

"My shirts are going to be ten sizes too large for you," Brett laughed, "give me a minute," he said before leaving the room. Liam could hear talking but he didn't know who it was, next thing he knew Brett had returned with three shirts in his hand, "they're my sisters."

Liam was about to complain when he realised the shirts Brett had grabbed were plain T-shirts, nothing that would show that they belonged to a girl. "I guess Lori will know," Liam said with raised brows before grabbing the plain black shirt and getting out of the bed.

Brett smiled, "she won't tell anyone." He knew she wouldn't, she was his sister after all, and he trusted her. Lori knew how important his reputation meant to him and she wouldn't risk tarnishing it.

"it's probably not a good thing that her shirts fit me perfectly," Liam laughed after taking his own shirt off and sliding hers on. The fit was almost perfect except it was a little short, but he didn't mind. It still covered everything it needed to and that was the main thing, plus it was comfortable.

"Come on," Brett said taking Liam's hand and leading him downstairs, once down there Satomi was in the kitchen along with Lori who smiled. "Don't even," Brett said shaking his head to stop any unnecessary comments from the women of the house.

Brett grabbed a piece of toast and an apple, throwing the fruit to Liam who caught it with one hand. "Eat up," he said as Liam took a bite into the apple, the juices dripping down his chin. Brett laughed before using his thumb to wipe it up, licking the juices off.

"You're nasty," Liam laughed pushing his hand away, "we're going to be late let's go," he said before turning to Lori "thanks for the shirt by the way," he said with flushed cheeks knowing despite his embarrassment he should thank her.

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