Chapter 5

107 4 14

A/N: I have been working so much I want to cry, but instead I decided to write lol

"Yes I know" Liam groaned, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. Mason sighed, "Li, I'm trying to help" he said and Liam knew he was telling the truth. He wasn't intentionally trying to piss him off, he didn't understand why he got so angry.

So frustrated and explosive. It was as if one moment he felt fine and the next he felt that overwhelming anger boiling up inside him like a volcano. He had always been hot headed, his mother knew that.

But it had only seemed to get worse as Liam got older. Instead of throwing things across his room he started breaking things and when that didn't work, he resulted to hurting himself.

David explained it as Liam's way to relieve his anger without hurting someone else. David had said "when kids get angry they deal with it in one of two ways, they either hurt themselves or they hurt someone else".

Liam didn't want to hurt someone else, not really. But the anger he felt was rapid, he hated it. The overwhelming guilt that followed it was the worst part, it reminded him of his father. The way he had acted towards Liam and his mother, he was becoming like him.

The idea of being anything like his father tore him apart, he never wanted to hurt his mum. The idea of it made him sick, but with his anger as high as it's been he feared the worst.

"Nice bag Dunbar" Garrett snickered, sitting down beside them. A girl by his side, "who's she?" Mason asked confused, "she is violet" the girl snapped back.

Mason was taken back by her attitude, he didn't mean to offend her. "Hey look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Mason began but Garrett cut him off, "look, I've been thinking me and Violet are going to a party this weekend, you two should come" Garrett suggested.

"We usually have movie night on the weekend.." Liam replied in a quieter tone, he knew it sounded lame but they always did that? They had been doing it for three years, why all of a sudden should a girl change that?

Garrett crooked his neck, "look I know you guys are happy with that crap but it's boring. I wanna have fun" Mason eyed Liam, "we're fifteen?" Mason said confused, as if he was going to drink or go to a party.

"I told you they wouldn't come" Violet said looking between the pair, "you two can go" Liam said looking her up and down, his lips forming a frown. "Oh, we will" she said with a soft laugh.

With that last statement Garrett and Violet stood up, taking their bags and food trays and leaving the table. "What the fuck is his problem?" Mason asked with furrowed brows, appalled by his friends behaviour.

Liam shrugged, "I don't know" he said poking at his food. "Maybe we should go?" He suggested making Mason sigh, "I hate social parties" Mason said "I know but we never go, maybe this once we could?" Liam said.

Mason looked down at his own food, "I'm sure they'll be plenty of hot guys there" Liam teased making Mason roll his eyes but reluctantly laugh, "fine, just this once" Mason said making Liam smile.

"But I'm not drinking" Mason said giving Liam a pointed glance, "I might" Liam said with a small snicker. "We can't even buy alcohol Liam" Mason reminded him, "we can't but I'm sure I can get someone to give me a can" Liam said.

Before Mason could reply Liam whipped his head around, an apple core had flown at his head. "What the fuck?" Liam snapped, standing up and looking around. Unable to figure out who did it he threw it into the bin, landing it perfectly inside.

"Liam don't" Mason warned, knowing Liam was already on watch with the teachers given his outbursts and behavioural issues. "Who the fuck throws an apple like a little bitch?" Liam growled, hands balling into fists.

"Just let it go" Mason said calmly, which would usually work except this time except for the fact that another one came flying. Missing Liam and hitting the table, "fuck off!" Liam yelled standing back up.

Mason stood up immediately and grabbed Liam's wrist, dragging him out of the cafeteria and into the hall way. "Liam don't it's not worth it" Mason reminded him, leading him towards the locker room.

"They're assholes! They just wanna piss me off!" Liam snapped, pulling his wrist from Mason's grip once they were inside. "Liam calm down" Mason said after shutting the door, watching as Liam began to pace.

Although Mason didn't quite understand how to calm Liam down, he knew how to give him space to diffuse. "Liam, deep breaths" Mason said quietly, he knew better then to interrupt Liam's anger but he also knew how to help.

Liam let out a rigid breath, his palms sweaty and his heartbeat erratic. He pulled back his fist, slamming it into the locker. "Liam don't" Mason said rushing forward, taking his wrist and rubbing it.

The rubbing motion seemed to pull Liam from his rage, bringing him back to the surface and grounding him. "Fuck, I'm sorry Mase" he said looking down, feeling terrible for Mason having to witness yet another meltdown of his.

"Hey, it's okay" Mason soothed, rubbing his friends arm as they sat down. Liam leaned against the locker while Mason sat across from him, "you're not alone, I'm always here" Mason reminded.

"I know" Liam said, leaning his head against Mason's shoulder. Feeling immediate relief and calmness from his presence, "you're the best" Liam said with a soft smile making Mason laugh.

Resting against each other they were completely unaware that Brett was standing on the other side and had witnessed what happened, big thanks to his supernatural hearing as well.

A/N: I hope y'all are having a good day! <3

Published: 22nd September 2023
Word count: 1009

What happened at Devenford? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora