Chapter 10

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A/N: hiiii! I hope you have the best day, you're amazing and im proud of you <3

The next day went on as normal, nothing interesting had happened. Liam went to classes, hardly paid attention and then he had lacrosse practice. But between Brett's subtle flirting and Justin's not-so-subtle weirdness, Liam had found it a bit hard to focus.

"So, you are coming back to mine?" Brett asked, raising his brows in a suggestive matter. Liam laughed and playfully pushed him back, which Justin had watched. "I'm going to throttle him," Brett said glaring at Justin in the distance, his wolf possessively wanting to stand in front of Liam.

Liam shook his head, "don't worry about him," he said. Justin gave him the ick, there was something off about them that just rubbed Liam the wrong way. "My answer is yes, by the way-" Liam laughed hoping that would change Brett's mood, thankfully it did.

Brett smirked, "good, meet me at my car after practice then," he said before seeing Justin approaching them. "What's up Justin? You lost man?" he said. Justin laughed, although it was obviously forced and fake.

"I'm just wondering if everyone else is as oblivious," Justin said, "I mean it's okay if you're gay, I'm not judging- but they might," he said turning to look at their teammates.

Brett took a step forward, towering over the boy "what are you trying to say Justin?" he asked. His eyes squinting as Justin took a deep breath, clearly feeling intimidated by the beta.

Justin smiled, patting Brett on the chest before shrugging. "Nothing man, I'm just lost," he said before walking off towards the lockers. Brett fought the primal urge to growl and rip him apart, he closed his eyes knowing they were glowing gold.

"Brett," Liam said softly, his hand grabbing the beta's arm. "Are you okay?" he asked, sensing Brett's anger and knowing that feeling all too well.

"Fine, I'll see you at my car." Brett turned and stormed off, if only Liam knew it was to calm himself down. He didn't want to hurt Liam, he couldn't risk that.

Almost thirty minutes passed and Liam was still waiting, leaning against Brett's car he almost contemplated calling his step dad to come get him until he heard footsteps approaching.

Looking up eager to leave he was heavily disappointed when Justin was the one coming near him. "What do you want Justin?" He asked, growing sick of this guy's attitude and weird behaviour.

Justin let out a small laugh, "I come in peace calm down," he said. Walking closer until he was standing in front of Liam, a few inches taller. "I hope you do know Brett isn't gay, he wouldn't go for you if that's what you're hoping to achieve."

Liam frowned, "firstly I'm not gay and secondly it's none of your business anyways, Brett's been helping me with lacrosse.. not that any of this concerns you."

Justin nodded, a grin still plastered on his face as he stalked closer. Liam instinctively took a step back, the car now pressing against him- closing the space between himself and Justin.

"All I'm saying is if you want to be open with someone or try shit out, you know where to find me," he paused, leaning closer until he could reach Liam's ear. "Plus, i have experience," he whispered.

Liam shoved him back, his nerves and anger running high. "Back off," he hissed, he didn't know what game Justin was playing with him, but he didn't want any part in it.

"Whats going on here?" A voice asked, Liam turned and was immediately relieved to see Brett. "The fuck you think you're doing Justin?" He asked, walking closer and towering over the guy.

"Nothing man, was just giving Liam some pointers." Justin explained, except Brett heard his heart beat skip. "I'll see youse tomorrow," he said before scurrying off to his own car.

Brett's eyes glowed and he immediately closed them, thankful Liam hadn't seen them. Liam- he could feel the younger boy shaking, "are you okay?" Brett asked, immediately a lot calmer.

Liam nodded despite it not being true, "can we leave?" He asked. His mind still rattled as Brett nodded, unlocking the car and allowing Liam inside.

"What did he say to you?" Brett asked once he got inside, "did he touch you?" He added, wanting to make sure he didn't hurt Liam. Thankfully, Liam shook his head.

"I'm okay, he just makes me so uncomfortable..." Liam said looking out the window, "I don't like him." Brett's hand found it's way to Liam's thigh as he placed it there in a reassuring way.

Liam found comfort in Brett's touch, the warm hand on his thigh sent a shiver up his spine. He turned to see Brett's face, the way the starlight shined on him- it was almost beautiful?

Liam wasn't sure what the right word was, but he knew he found him pretty? Is that what you call a guy you like? This whole bisexual thing was still new to Liam, but he was willing to give it a try.

With Brett, not with Justin. Only with Brett, "what game did you have in mind?" Liam asked, remembering Brett had said he had a few new games he wanted to play.

Brett smiled, "I mean it depends what you're down for," he said. Turning to give Liam a quick and cheeky grin, "I have some X box games but I also have some other games in mind, if you're comfortable."

Liam rose a brow at his suggestion, "im not having sex with you if that's what you're insinuating," Liam said with a small and awkward laugh.

"I'm not saying that," Brett snickered, arriving at his house and parking his car. "I was thinking we could lay in my bed and watch a movie? You can pick, I've got plenty of them."

Liam looked down, a movie did sound nice. Plus, they had a busy day at school, he could use some relaxing. "Sure, sounds good," he smiled as they got out of the car.

Published: 11th February 2024
Word count: 1031

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