Chapter 12

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A/N: This mini fic has become longer than I thought, however it's not just a Briam fic. It's too explain everything (I believed) happened at DevenFord- including Liam's diagnosis, Briam, Liam smashing his coaches car and it all leads up to him starting to Beacon Hills High!!

A/N: Brief Smut- (Liam is only 15 and Brett is 16, so it's not detailed & very rushed)

Liam had managed to run off to Mason's that night, he spent the next day there with the Hewitt's who understood what had happened and didn't jump down his throat for it. Mason's mother had let Jenna know Liam was with them and he was safe, Jenna let it be.

The next few days they had gone back and forth to the school, sorting out what to do about Liam's fight. The principal had decided a hand written apology would suffice for both the boys, they did it.

But they both knew it meant nothing, they would fight again. It was only a matter of time, but Liam tried to ignore that fact. He needed to get back to school, back to lacrosse and back to Brett. If apologising to this idiot would do that, then he was happy to do it. 

His mother told him if he had one more incident he would be in trouble, big trouble. David had tried to keep him calm and keep Jenna calm, but when those two argued it got heated.

Either way, Liam went back to school within a few days and was able to attend lacrosse again which was what he cared most about. Lacrosse and seeing Brett, he needed to see him and play the sport. 

Practice today was fine, it had been nothing special. But Liam kept getting text messages from that number, his brain ticking at who it could be. "You good?" he looked up to see Brett was talking to him, their teammates leaving the field.

"Do you know this number?" Liam asked confused, hoping maybe Brett would know. Brett took the younger's phone and scrolled through the text messages before pulling out his own phone and letting out a groan, trying to keep his werewolf side at bay.

"Fucking Justin," he hissed, handing Liam back the phone before turning to see said boy jogging across the field to the locker room. "Block his number Liam, he's pathetic," Brett snapped.

Liam nodded; he didn't like Justin anyways. "Done," he said with a small smile, "are we still going to yours?" Liam asked, not really wanting to go home tonight. His anxiety and anger had been really bad lately, he didn't quite understand why but it was starting to drive him insane.

But Brett kept him calm, "sure," Brett smiled. Looking around and making sure nobody was looking he placed a kiss upon Liam's cheek, "come on," he said placing an arm around Liam's waist before leading the younger towards his car.

The drive to Brett's was nice, Liam felt a weight off his chest knowing the weirdo who had been texting him was just Justin. "I don't know why he was even texting me," Liam said with a small laugh, he didn't care though.

"Cause he's a creep," Brett replied as he pulled into his driveway, "nobody's home," he said more to himself than anyone else. He knew Satomi had them training tonight and of course Brett had bailed to be with Liam, the full moon was in two days, he would be fine tonight.

"So nobody's home ay?" Liam said with a cheeky smile on his face as they entered the house, "maybe we could do something?" he suggested once they reached Brett's room. The older boy laughed at Liam's awkwardness, "what? I've never done anything like this so?"

Brett nodded, shutting his bedroom door and lifting Liam up onto his chest of draws, "then let me take the lead," Brett whispered, locking their lips together as Liam leaned into the touch.

"I think," Liam said between breaths, "I want you," he found himself saying. His blue eyes darkening as Brett lifted him up and laid him down onto the bed, Liam's hands behind Brett's neck as he pulled him in for longing and passionate kisses.

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