Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm just letting you guys know this fic doesn't have a set update schedule! So it'll be maybe a week or two between uploads as I prioritise my other fics first <3

School wasn't anything special, classes were boring and Mason would not stop asking about Brett. "Dude seriously-" Liam said turning to face him, "we kissed and that is all."

Mason snickered, "maybe we can get alcohol from him?"

"Thought you didn't drink?" Liam asked raising a brow, he knew Mason and the boy never drank. Always worried his parents would lose their shit if he was underage drinking, so he played it safe.

"Look, I'm willing to live it up." Mason laughed

"Please never say that again," Liam snickered. They entered the locker room, then Liam grabbed his lacrosse gear from his locker.

"I'm surprised you're here," Garrett said as Liam opened his locker, his cocky grin and pushed back hair were noticeable features of the boy. "I thought you would have quit by now, that's all."

"Oh what, why would I do that?" Liam asked confused, looking his friend up and down. They hadn't really been the same or as close since Liam got chosen over him. It's not like it was Liam's fault? Why couldn't he just be happy for him?

"This locker room is for lacrosse players," Mason stated earning a glare from the other guy.

"You're not a player either Mase." Garrett snickered.

"Maybe I'm just super gay," Mason pointed out making Garrett roll his eyes. He didn't have time for Garrett's shit, he was obviously jealous that Liam had made the team and he didn't.

"Whatever, see you two at the party tonight." With that Garret was exiting the locker room, reminding them both of the bon fire party. Liam sighed before closing his locker, bouncing back when he saw Brett on the other side of it, "oh shit- hi."

"Can we talk?" he faced Mason, "alone," he added looking the boy up and down before turning back to Liam. A slight look of fear in his eyes, Liam gave Mason a nod and reminded him where to meet for lunch as he followed Brett, pausing once they reached the supply closet.

Brett opened it and dragged Liam inside with him, the space dark and crampy but they made it work. "Who did you tell?" Brett asked, a slight edge to his voice which took Liam back a step.

"What? Only Mason, I wouldn't tell anyone else," Liam said, assuming he was referring to their kiss. "I wasn't sure you'd want everyone knowing- not that I talk to anyone else, most people don't even like me so" his rambling was cut short by Brett's lips latching onto his.

"Okay, good." Brett whispered as they parted, "don't tell anyone else, okay? Nobody else can know- they wouldn't understand, and I can't risk losing my reputation, understood?" he said, his thumb lifting Liam's chin ever so slightly.

Liam found himself nodding, maybe it wasn't a smart idea and maybe it would be risky, but he didn't care. He liked it and he liked Brett, he could handle a little risk and danger if it meant he could be happy for once, he wasn't scared.

"I won't tell anyone else; I swear." Liam whispered, although he couldn't see anything-Brett could see him perfectly fine. One of the perks of being a werewolf that he forgot Liam couldn't do, his baby blue eyes on display for him while Liam couldn't see a thing.

"Come over tonight," Brett asked but it was more of a demand, he couldn't keep away. Even when they were alone, he found himself thinking of him, dreaming of him. His every waking moment dedicated to Liam, it was probably his wolves doing but he didn't care.

"I can't, I really need to study." Liam replied and although it was dark he could just imagine Brett's disappointed face, "but I could try to convince my step dad to let me?" he offered as a compromise.

After going through the trauma as a kid with his father, it seemed to have led Liam down the path of, 'people pleaser'. Not wanting Brett to resent him he wanted to try and make him happy, but he also didn't want to disappoint his parents who deemed grades were very important.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Brett asked, changing the subject instead. The taller boy's breath hot on his cheek as he pecked it, almost as if this was his way of persuading him.

"I'll have to sneak out, but yes." Liam said, knowing the party wasn't until 9pm his mother would be asleep and his stepdad would be at work until the morning, he could sneak out and be home before either of them knew.

Brett grinned against his cheek, "perfect, I'll see you then," he said before moving back, "just don't do anything embarrassing or hang around me the whole night... we don't want people to know our dirty little secret now do we?" he asked.

Liam nodded, don't do anything embarrassing. "I know," he said although he was a tad hurt by that. "You can come to me than, I'll be with Mason so just find me when you want to hang out," Liam added before grabbing the door to the closet only for Brett to grab his wrist.

"I'll see you then, wait here until the bell rings- we don't want people to see us both leaving at the same time." Brett once again leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Liam's forehead before twisting the door and exiting the closet, only a minute later did the bell ring and Liam followed suit.

What the fuck was he doing? 

A/N: Soooooo Liam's his dirty little secret? Oop hehe

Published: 3rd January 2024
Word count: 952

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