Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so excited for this story to progress I hope you guys are too!

The school day went faster than normal, not that Liam was complaining. Actually he was excited, Brett had offered to help him work on his back shots so they were going to hang out after school.

Liam didn't really have many friends, beside Mason and Garett he kept to himself. He didn't handle large groups well, even as a kid he always felt better with one person. Mason had always been his best friend, since they were seven years old.

A kid was kicking sand at Mason, and he had been crying. So Liam being Liam...went over and pushed the kid over. He wasn't naturally violent, but he would defend himself and his friends. They had been inseparable ever since.

"What's got you in such a good mood" Mason asked before playfully bumping Liam, "I'm seeing Brett after school, he's going to help me work on my back shots for the game next week" Liam said, his smile only widening.

"Ohhh" Mason said with a smile, that smile. "It's not like that idiot" Liam snickered while shaking his head. After Mason had come out to him Liam had also told him how he felt, he wasn't sure.

Mason suggested he may be bisexual but Liam wasn't a hundred percent, sure he had kissed a girl before and he liked it. But only being fourteen it wasn't like he was out there doing crazy stuff, he hadn't really experimented or experienced much.

But also, when he looked at Brett he couldn't deny the fact that he found him attractive... maybe it was the way Brett looked at him, his smirk or his deep blue eyes. Liam wasn't completely sure, but he wasn't totally against the idea either.

Besides, it didn't matter. Brett was definitely straight, he had heard the way Brett and his friends poked fun at people before. He heard what they did to Danny, why Danny had to swap schools. He didn't want that to happen to himself or Mason, no way.

"You ready?" Brett asked, swinging his long arm over Liam's shoulder. The young boy smiled, looking up with his curious blue eyes and nodding. "Come on, I'll drive us" Brett said, Liam was excited.

Mason didn't have his license yet and Liam's couldn't get his until he was sixteen so he had only really be in his step dad or mothers car. It was really cool having a friend who could drive, "just put your gear in the back" Brett said.

Liam opened the door and put his lacrosse stick and bag into the back seat. Preparing to also sit in the back when Brett stopped him, "you can sit in the front" he said watching as Liam smiled "oh, right" he laughed.

Rushing to the other side of the car he jumped into the passengers side. Putting his seatbelt on and shutting the door, "where are we going to practice?" Liam asked, looking Brett up and down.

"You'll see" Brett said, gripping the steering wheel with one arm and reversing his car. "Are you excited to be on the team?" He asked, noticing the way Liam's head perked up. "Uh yeah I am, I'm nervous but I'm excited" Liam said.

Brett smirked, "don't be nervous. You're a good player, we're lucky to have you" he said making Liam smile. "Well you're the team captain so i appreciate you wanting to help me out" Liam shrugged.

"I'm happy to, I can tell you actually want to learn" Brett replied, briefly glancing in Liam's direction before facing the road once again. Liam tried his best not to stare, he didn't want to make Brett uncomfortable.

"Why are we at an abandoned zoo?" Liam frowned, feeling uneasy. "Well it's huge, there's cages that we sometimes use for practice and we have parties here sometimes too" Brett laughed, going to the back seat and grabbing both of their bags.

"Get your stick" Brett said watching Liam scurry around to do so, "I can carry my bag" Liam said looking up at the older guy, "I got it" Brett said locking his car with the button and leading the way through the zoo.

Liam tried his best to ignore his anxiety, this place gave him the creeps. It wasn't even dark yet and he felt uneasy, looking around it just felt weird. Liam's phone buzzed, sending a jolt down his spine.

"You're jumpy, why?" Brett asked placing their gear down once they got to the cages. "Uh, I forgot to tell my step dad" he said fiddling with his phone and texting him that he would be home later.

"No need to be nervous Liam, it's all good" Brett said, although his voice did little to settle Liam down. "Here" Brett said pushing his gear towards him, "thanks" Liam replied opening his bag and grabbing his protective gear from it and his helmet.

"Let's work on those back shots" Brett said nudging Liam and urging him to walk toward the cage. "I'll go in and you throw, ok?" Brett asked, walking into the cage and standing against the wall of it.

Liam watched as the taller guy put his helmet on and waited. "You ready?" Liam asked, seeing Brett nod. He aimed his stick back and threw the ball over his shoulder, it hit the wall. "Try to focus" Brett said making Liam frustrated.

He didn't understand why he was so easy to set off but he knew that he was. His mother told him that all the time, he was an angry kid. He was quick to rage or exploding, he just didn't understand why.

"I am focusing" Liam snapped under his breath, twisting the stick in his grip. "Try again" Brett said throwing the ball his way, Liam reluctantly picked it up and tried again. This time it landed in front of Brett but not quite reaching the make shift 'goal'.

They went on like this for a while, passing back and forth until the stars were out. Brett had drove Liam home and they made small talk, it felt nice. Liam felt like he had another friend? Someone else he could talk to beside Mason and Garrett.

Hopefully this would last.

A/N: Oop little intro of the zoo lmfao

Published: 18th September 2023
Word count: 1045

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