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A/N: Hello! This is the final chapter that brings us to season 4, so I hope you have enjoyed this little background story <3

A week later Liam returned to school, but his energy had died down. He wasn't excited to go, he didn't smile when he saw Mason and he didn't care when he saw Brett or Justin.

The game was that night, he had half considering bailing out of it but with Justin spraining his ankle at practice the coach insisted the team would need Liam.

The game started out good, everything going well but then Brett continued to make comments, Justin wasn't even within ear shot. "Why do you hate me?" Liam asked, his voice almost cracking.

Brett paused, his wolf crying internally at the words. "I don't hate you," he replied before the ref blew the whistle and the game continued. Despite saying he didn't hate Liam, that didn't stop him from knocking the younger boy over.

Liam had enough, getting up he ran right at Brett and tackled him to the ground. He didn't hear the whistle and he didn't hear the yelling; he could only hear his own heart beating in his ear before he felt himself being dragged away.

"Red card! Go!" The coach yelled handing Liam a red card, his second one of the season. Liam saw red, his body vibrating with anger as he threw it to the ground and tossed his helmet to the ground.

Liam stormed off the field, catching Brett's shit eating grin as he did. What he'd give to beat the shit out of him but was unable to. His anger pent up and boiling, he had to release it. He wasn't thinking clearly, but he didn't care.

He ran out of the school's grounds, running beside the bleachers and spotting a crowbar, presumably it had been left by the janitor by mistake. He didn't care how it got there; he just knew it could come in handy. He gripped it by the base and ran out of the school, ending up in the parking lot.

He looked around, hoping to find Brett's car but when he didn't, he let out a frustrated groan. Turning to the left and catching sight of the coaches, without even thinking Liam made his way towards it.

Swinging the crowbar back it came crashing down onto the vehicle, smashing it as he dug the crowbar into it. He smashed at the window before using the end to engrave 'your fault' into it. Although it wasn't his coach's fault, it was Brett's.

He could hear people approaching him, yelling and gasping. He turned around and caught their faces, they seemed shocked at what he had done, he was a monster. "Dunbar!" the coach yelled with such fury it sent Liam backing away in fear, "what the fuck!"

The school had expelled him that day, the coach demanding he get kicked out. The principal had managed to talk the coach down from pressing charges, one the condition that Liam get's seen for an evaluation. This type of behaviour was concerning, and the principal didn't want to see Liam go down the wrong path if he didn't get checked.

So, he did. His mother didn't speak to him for a week after being expelled as she had been appalled by his actions. But David had seen past that, he knew Liam had issues and problems, especially after picking him up from the zoo.

After countless appointments the team Liam had been seeing had diagnosed him with intermittent explosive disorder, better known as IED. The childhood trauma Liam had experienced, the way he reactions, the guilt he feels after an episode. It all fit into the disorder, Liam felt vulnerable and helpless.

But David had been there every step of the way, being his biggest support and helper. Liam even got to help at the hospital when David was on shift, he didn't do much but he learned a lot. They had tried medication, but it only made Liam feel like a zombie.

His mother seemed to like it as Liam was a lot calmer, but David heard Liam. He knew it made him feel sluggish, weak and tired. They worked together to put his anger and energy into lacrosse and working out, they did that together.

Finally, Liam was allowed to return to school, not DevenFord Prep though. He would start at a new school, Beacon Hill's high. Liam didn't know much about this school, only that he had played against them in a scrimmage.

But thankfully he wouldn't be alone. When Mason learned Liam would be going there, Mason begged his parents for a transfer, Liam had told him he didn't have to do that and he didn't want Mason to fall behind.

But Mason was a little genius, even if he was a whole semester behind he would catch up quick. Liam was forever grateful to have Mason as his friend, he was a good person.

"Ready for your first day?" David asked as they arrived at the school, a bit earlier than classes because Garrett had also transferred. That had caught Liam off guard, but he didn't question it, he had his friend group back.

Unfortunately, Violet also transferred, but that didn't concern Liam. "Ready as I'll ever be," Liam sighed, grabbing his lacrosse duffle and his backpack and getting out of the car, noticing Garret was already on the field he waved David off and jogged towards him.

To new beginnings...

Published: 26th March 2024
Word count: 903

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