Chapter 14

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A/N: Shits about to get dark, oops

Liam had spent the previous few nights at Mason's, not wanting to go back home just yet. The first day he avoided school, he ended up ditching and hanging out at the shops by himself.

The second day he returned but Brett was no where to be seen, even at practice he was gone. Justin had been there but Liam had steered clear of him, every time the older boy approached him he would immediately take off.

The third day he sucked it up, Mason had given him a pep talk which resulted in back and forth whining and complaining. But, here he was. Taking a deep breath and exiting Mason's parents car, thanking them for driving them both to school before Mason's mother took off.

"I don't want to be here," Liam complained, the past few days his emotions had gone back and forth between angry and upset, but being back here made him want to throw up.

"You'll be fine dude," Mason encouraged, turning so that he was standing before Liam. "If he tries to talk to you just ignore him, you don't need that shit in your life anyways."

"Brett or Justin?" Liam said with a raised brow, unsure of how much strength he really would have if Brett tried to talk to him, he was sure he'd absorb his attention like a sponge.

"Justin's a peice of shit," Mason said eyeing the lacrosse players who had just walked in, "and Brett doesn't deserve you okay? You're better then him, then both of them."

Liam sighed, although he didn't believe his friend he really wanted to. He knew he had to at least pretend to be confident, but looking towards the door and seeing both of them enter, he felt his world closing in on him.

"Shit," Liam said taking a step back as his arm hit the locker, "can we please just go somewhere else?" He asked, turning to Mason with pleading eyes.

"No," Mason said grabbing his friends arm, "we're staying right here, they don't own the hall way Li, just take a breather and talk to me- pretend that the don't even exist."

Liam took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and opening them only to focus on Mason. "Alright well, what classes do you have today?" He asked, hoping a change of subject would ease his internal panic.

"Unfortunately, I have English, then math and unexpectedly history? Since when has history been a third period class? Sorry but it just sounds so dumb and-" Mason's rambling was cut short when Brett's shoulder collided with him.

Liam stepped toward, his arms flying in the air. "What the hell?" He frowned, watching as Brett turned to face him, his signature smirk resting on his face. "I get you're mad at me but don't take it out on Mason, he did nothing wrong," Liam snapped in a hushed tone, making sure Brett and only Brett heard him.

The taller boy rolled his eyes, "maybe if he wasn't blocking the halls and getting in my way he wouldn't have been shoved," Brett shrugged, a few of the other teammates laughing.

"Back off Brett," Liam hissed, feeling that all too familiar feeling burning beneath his veins. Despite his height that never stopped Liam, he wasn't one to back down. "Walk away," Liam added, holding his ground and meeting Brett's challenging gaze.

Brett on the other end didn't want to fight Liam, but with Justin right behind him he couldn't show he cared. He couldn't give Justin any reason to leak those photos, he couldn't let Justin out him.

"Or what?" Brett smirked, despite the screaming in his head that was begging him to walk away, leave Liam alone. His wolf was howling at him, scratching within him. "You won't do shit Liam," he spat.

"Oh really?" Liam asked, his nostrils flaring as he stepped closer. Mason one second from intervening, but Liam was faster. Pushing his hands forward he sent Brett backwards, the taller boy stumbling back.

"Little shit," Brett snarled, fighting his animalistic urges, and trying to stay human. Trying to stay in control, he didn't want to hurt Liam- not badly at least. He knew as a werewolf he could do some serious damage; he didn't want Liam to fall victim to that.

"Just fuck off!" he scoffed when Brett rolled his eyes, "walk away, that's what you're good at! You're nothing but a-" Liam hissed, a quick punch to the jaw had him stopping. His hand flew to his cheek as it throbbed, "mother fucker!" he launched himself forward, wrapping his arms around Brett's waist and tackling them both to the ground.

The boy wrestled on the ground for what felt like forever until Mason and Justin stepped forward, except Justin grabbed Liam which threw Mason off. "Don't touch me!" Liam screamed, shoving Justin back with fire in his eyes. "Don't you ever touch me! You've done enough!"

Justin was hurt, he couldn't deny that. But he didn't want it to show on his face, so he forced a laugh instead. "Right then," Justin nodded, helping Brett to his feet who pushed past him as he walked away. "You just keep doing whatever you want Liam, right?"

"Go to hell," Liam hissed, his nose bloody as Mason turned him around. "Let go of me and-" he stopped when Mason gave him that look. The same look that screamed I'm-trying-to-help-you. "sorry," he said shamefully before bowing his head and walking towards the door.

"Just go home Li, I'll tell the nurse your mum got you." Mason insisted, Liam wasn't really in any position to argue with him given his current state. "Wipe your nose and call her," Mason added before the bell rang and Mason had to hurry to class.

Liam contemplated just ditching all together, but he really did just want to call to bed. He pulled out his phone and dialled David's number, knowing his mother was at work David would be the easier one to contact. "Can you please pick me up?" Liam asked, his voice wavering as he wiped his nose.

Thankfully David was happy to comply, although Liam would be happy to avoid the questions, he knew he would have to answer them. At least it meant he could go home and avoid Brett, at least for today.

Published: 20th March 2024
Word count: 1101

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