Interview with Michelle Jo Quinn

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Name: Michelle Jo Quinn

Username: @MichelleJoQuinn

Favourite quote: "You can never be overdressed or overeducated." - Oscar Wilde

Currently writing: a to-do list... I have multiple works on the go, four on WP (Sugar, Chasing the Runaway Bride, The Love Story of Hunter and Blanche, and Harley) and 2 out of WP, one is erotica and the other a mystery (neither will be posted on WP). This- writing more than one story at a time- is not recommended practice but it works for me... most of the time.

Currently reading: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Currently eating/drinking a lot of: coffee and cake

Favourite non-literary hobby: bingeing on Netflix

Authors who you love: Erica James, Nick Hornby, Gillian Flynn

Tell us about how you started writing: In Grade 11 English class, we had an assignment to write a short story (3 pages max). I wrote a novella about a girl getting kidnapped. My teacher wanted to publish the story but I think he changed his mind because he never said anything about it again. I still have it in a box with another old thriller. After high school, I stopped writing, and I didn't pick it up until I was pregnant with my second child, but it was very sporadic. I've never dreamed of sharing my stories to anyone. In January 2014, my NY resolution was to learn a (new) hobby per month and blog about it. I started a blog (hobby#1). February's hobby was writing and that's when I found Wattpad, and never looked back. Needless to say, the blog didn't continue, and I didn't learn any other new hobbies.

Would you like to write for a living? Why? Of course I would like to write for a living, but I think I'm too practical to think it's possible. The reality is that even those who write a lot do not always make a ton (or enough to live by) of money from it. I have a great career which pays well and affords me time to daydream with my characters. Right now, writing is fun. I think that if I'm pressured to do it to make the same amount of money as I do now with my job, I might not enjoy is as much. Some people forget that writing is a business. These days, writers, even those with agents and big pubs, are expected to market and promote their books. You need money to do these, oh and to feed and shelter the kids and pay for their soccer/ballet/violin lessons.

Why did you pick this story to be featured? Winter Eternal is one of my favourite works. It has so much heart in it.

What inspired you to write this story? I saw a photo of a house with a copper roof along the edge of the Algonquin Park.

What is your favourite relationship in this story? Lulu and Emily's friendship.

What do you think makes this story stand out? It's not all pretty, but it has a message of hope.

What do you hope readers take away from this story? That true love is eternal.

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