Interview with Lucy Rhodes

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Name: Lucy Rhodes

Wattpad username: @Lucyface

Favourite quote: I collect quotes like breaths, but just now I'm really loving this poem by Christopher Pointdexter:

"She buried
her ears
into the calm
of his heartbeat,
and in a matter of seconds;
fell terribly in love
with the way
her loneliness fell
softly and suddenly,
in his chest."

Currently writing: Ashes to Ashes (duh!), business, marketing & strategic plan, and lots & lots of to-do lists - these are my lifelines <3

Currently reading: Mr Monster by Dan Wells, Strangely, Incredibly Good by Heather Grace Stewart @HeatherGraceStewart, and lots of articles about setting up/running a business as a sole trader/freelancer.

Currently eating/drinking a lot of: Coffee (!!), but also this amazing blend of green tea and lemon myrtle (an Aussie plant) - it's so delicious and refreshing. Let me know if you'd like to try some and I can mail you some tea bags :D (seriously, I'll do it!!)

It's winter here, so I'm making a lot of Irish (Guinness) lamb stew. I want to eat lots of cake, too, but I'm inhaling celery instead because I'm doing lots of sitting at my desk and never need the calories :/

Oh! And mandarins - they're in season right now and sooooo om nom nom.

Favourite non-literary hobby?

I have many, many hobbies, it's a little ridiculous (I call myself a professional dilettante).

I guess that I love making things - digital graphics/images, baking & cooking, sewing, crochet. I also love love love movies, TV shows, and music. I also love (computer) gaming - not sure if anyone will know any of these, but I play a lot of the Fallout series, Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, Diablo 3, the Borderlands series, the BioShock series, Minecraft, and a bunch of singular indie games. OH! And the Sims (an entire series of stories I could tell you, right there) and Rollercoaster Tycoon :D

I am also a Pinterest nut (although quite discerning in what I choose to re-pin), and like to watch videos of babies eating lemons, cats doing anything, and foreigners eating Vegemite for the first time (guaranteed tears from laughter from this - my go-to remedy when I'm feeling sulky and gross).

To be honest, though, since joining Wattpad (and starting up my new business this month) most of these hobbies have been replaced by long days in front of my computer writing, planning, and doing graphic design work.

Authors who you love: (Aside from you amazing WP authors) *ahem* Agatha Christie, Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë (Jane Eyre!), Jane Austen (duh!), Hans Christian Anderson, Judy Blume, Christopher Pointdexter, Kristan Higgins, Megan Hart (funnily enough my mother-in-law put me onto her books - for those who don't know, she writes exquisite ChickLit disguised as erotic/romance), Sara Donovan (her first book Love by Numbers is awesome and you should read it!) aaaand I need to stop now before Ara makes me/forcibly edits this list, but I could definitely keep going :D I LOVE BOOKS O.O

Tell us about how you started writing:

I am lucky enough to come from a family that takes great joy from literature. By the time I was three I was reading on my own--I have distinct memories of sitting on my Nanna's lap and reading picture books to her. By the time I was in primary school (U.S. = elementary school) I was devouring a couple of child-sized novels every day (and secretly staying up way too late at night to do so - old habits dies hard!). I would often run out of book to read in a certain sub-genre and have to extend to new, uncharted sections of the Dewey decimal spectrum.

Throughout school I always enjoyed creative writing, and over the years my parents kept a few 'picture books' that I made (computer paper stapled together, complete with faux-barcode on the back cover).

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