Interview with Melody Shalurne

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Name: Melody Shalurne

Wattpad username: @thebirdsmelody

Favourite quote:

"If all you do is write chapters for everyone else's life story, what words are left for your own?"

~ Person is an unknown to the world...but it is by me, if you care to know.

Currently writing:

My writing list includes Under Wings of Grace (UWOG) and preparing a long Wattpad to do list while I recover from a no-big-deal-according-to-me surgery this summer. XD Honestly, both are fun to write. I'll be reading much on my sofa while I begin to dine on liquids later in July.

Currently reading:

Currently, my reading list is packed full of Wattpad authors. I have had no time to read anything related to published books on my shelves. This is only testimony of my love for Wattpad! XD

Currently eating/drinking a lot of:

I ate a lot of marshmallows after I roasted them over the cooktop. That was until I ran out though... I drink water, but I admit, I should be drinking a lot more. Ara's character, Lia, would be disappointed at my calorie count is all I can say. XD

Favourite non-literary hobby:

If only there were more hours in a day I would have hobbies...who am I kidding, no I would not. Lol. Outside-ish of Wattpad: Mostly, I beta chapters off of email. (If that does not count as non-Wattpad, I do not know what I do would. Ha ha!) I really do not have a life outside of Wattpad!

Authors who you love:

My absolute favourite author is Max Lucado. Lucado is such an incredible writer who writes about religion with grace and brilliance. I have been blessed to have gotten to learn about his books from a friend. I also like Harper Lee and her first book, TKAM, as it deals with social justice, race, social hierarchy, among other topics.

Tell us about how you started writing:

Wattpad is the beginning of my writing journey. Please note my start is no spectacular, inspirational story of coming to age and writing. In fact, it is quite simple. In late February of 2015, I had finally gathered the nerves to publish my first story, UWOG. The first chapter of UWOG is a loosely based recount of an event in my past but from there, most everything is fiction. I suppose UWOG was first written as a way to therapeutically write of a frightening time of my life, until I figured out maybe I could expand it into a novel. Lol, I had just made 100 words there!

Would you like to write for a living? If so, why/not?

Every serious writer has fantasies of their books on the shelves of stores. I am no exception! However, I am a bit more of a realist who would rather aim for the moon than the sun. Yet, I can pass occasionally as a dreamer as I hope to land somewhere amongst the stars. I would love to write for a living, but maybe part-time instead? Lol, please do not bite my head off for not admitting full allegiance to the writing world. XD At the moment, I see my future full-time career devoted to counselling survivors of domestic violence and volunteering my time with teenagers in ministry through Young Life. So, not at the moment do I see myself wanting to write as a full-time author. But, who knows, maybe my mind will change?

Why did you pick this story to be featured?

Well, besides the fact it is my only story that filled the featured story chapter requirement, lol, I chose UWOG to feature since this story touches upon topics people in my age group like to skirt around in books, unless it is romanticised. Domestic violence, PTSD related to DV, foster children, interracial relationships and children, religion, law, etc. are some of the features you will see depending on how far you read.

What inspired you to write this story?

I have been advocating against domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse since thirteen. The survivors' courage under duress inspired me - still does. Also, let me not lie, the reader's support is invaluable to my experience and writing motivation/inspiration to continue.

What is your favourite relationship in this story?

My favourite relationship you will read through in chapters 1-5 is Robin's (the seventeen-year-old main character) and Erin's (Robin's foster sister) dynamic relationship. Otherwise, you will read it much later to get to my true favourites: Robin and Tyler - I will not spoil but it is definitely something! XD

What do you think makes this story stand out?

I think what makes this book stands out is the cover which is not of my own creation *whispers* thanks, Lucy-moo *smug smile*. Truly, my covers look like material belonging with the rubbish in landfills! XD Aside from that, my book is separated into three parts, and I think it stands out because you get to see the life of a girl who although stays the same age is a dynamic character from the beginning to the end...when it gets there. XD

What do you hope readers take away from this story?

I hope readers take away that although we (teenagers) are not as experienced in writing - for me, that is an understatement - there are teenagers who are serious about writing and that romantics are not necessary in all stories - when the main character deals with struggles - to make it readable and connectable. I want every person to know that people like Robin exist and their story should be told no matter if it is popular or not to do so.

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