Interview with InkWeave

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Name: Barlow Stanley or B.

Wattpad username: InkWeave

Favourite quote:

There are endless possibilities that this world has to offer us. But there are even more possibilities inside of us that we have to offer the world


Currently writing: Dawn of the Gem (DotG Series)

Currently reading: I actually really love the Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz. I read it back when I was a child but I loved them so much that I had to start reading them again. So that's currently when I'm reading right now.

Currently eating/drinking a lot of: Currently eating a lot of dirty Mexican rice and drinking a lot of WATER.

Favourite non-literary hobby: I LOVE swimming. That is my favorite sport and the only thing I was really good at back in high school.

Authors who you love: Anthony Horowitz, Stieg Larsson, John Green and last but not least J.K Rowling.

Tell us about how you started writing: 

Well actually how I started writing was by mistake. I actually wanted to be a songwriter and started writing songs by the time I was fourteen. But I was teased for how cheesy the lyrics were. So I thought I should just write a story out of desperation, to pass time and recuperate from the hate I got from trying to pursue a career in the music industry. But then when I started writing I couldn't stop. I remembered I loved writing back in the third grade and my teachers always told me I was good. So when I saw that this story I was crafting back then was really good, I decided to develop it and four years later here I am now trying to share it, my story called Dawn of the Gem, with the world.

Would you like to write for a living? If so, why/not?

That is the dream. I am obsessed with writing. That is all I want to do with my life. I imagine myself in a dark room, empty except for a desk, a lamp, an open window, writing away, creating universes. And I believe that writing is an open gate to many other careers. I could also become a screenwriter, songwriter and possibly even a movie director.

Why did you pick this story to be featured?

Well this is the first story I have ever written and developed fully. I think everyone will appreciate the effort I put into it and possibly even become fan girls or boys. I really believe this story can take readers where other stories haven't taken them before.

What inspired you to write this story?

I really wanted to prove my worth. At the time when this story was developing, I felt like I didn't have anything to prove. People looked down on me. I believe where this story will take me in the future will prove them wrong.

What is your favourite relationship in this story?

Oh it has to be between Anita and Jarec. Though it will be short lived, Anita actually found peace in Jarec's love. Unfortunately, they were never meant to be together.

What do you think makes this story stand out?

The fact that I was able to blend romance, fantasy and science fiction quite well, I believe. And I also pay close attention to every character. Anita might be the main character but the readers will find themselves falling in love with various characters at the same time.

What do you hope readers take away from this story?

There are many social issues discussed in this story like sexual identity, sexual freedom, racial and gender equality and much more.

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