Break Week - Mon 6 July 2015

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Hello, all members of the CBC! I hope you've had an excellent weekend celebrating the grandiosity of the USA. As you know, one half of your co-Almighties is American, and the country therefore basks in the reflection of her grandeur.

USA! USA! etc. etc.

As you can see from the title, we've reached our Break Week! We've had a spectacular first three weeks, with great participation, insight and feedback from all of you. We've had some new members join, and if you haven't introduced yourselves on the "Current Members" chapter, feel free to tell us all about your cat and your decoupage addiction in the comments section here.

Because your Almighties don't understand the definition of a Break Week, we've been brainstorming some excellent activities for everyone. We know that you're all very bored and always looking for new things to work on. :)

So, without further ado, A FEW IDEAS WE HAVE HAD (read this in a Last Week Tonight presenter voice, if you watch that. Read it in any voice that makes you happy if you don't, and tell us who you heard in the comments).


                We would love to interview published (traditionally and otherwise) ChickLit authors and showcase their interviews during subsequent Break Weeks. We think this could be an excellent source of knowledge, experience and insight, and we want to know what YOU want to know.

SUGGESTION 1: Leave questions you'd love to ask your favorite ChickLit authors in the comments. Better yet, tell us who you'd love to hear from!


               As we said, we have a handful of new members who have joined. We'd like to present this Break Week as a chance to go back and catch up on any of the sessions you may have missed, or would like to revisit.

SUGGESTION 2: Catch up on any of the sessions that you may have missed!


               The CBC is three weeks old, at which point human babies can't even hold their own heads up. We think we've done all right, but we're constantly striving to improve as a book club and a community. Now's the time for feedback. What works? What doesn't? What did you like? What makes you mad? As we ask at the end of each session: How can we improve?

SUGGESTION 3: Sock it to us. Let's figure out how to improve the CBC. 


                 As you see, sometimes the Almighties don't have it all figured out. We've had some interest from authors writing in different genres and formats, (e.g. Romance, short stories), and we think we could all probably improve as writers by reading works outside of our comfort zone. Because we're a Chicklit Bookclub, we don't want to stray from our core identity, but we were thinking of setting up Break Weeks as optional sessions for members who have participated in the club but whose work doesn't meet the general CBC criteria. We want to know what you think.

SUGGESTION 4: Optional session during Break Weeks. Yay or Nay?

Thank you all for your participation thus far - we've been really impressed with the feedback that everyone has received, and the dedication everyone has shown.  Book clubs are a lot of work, we were warned, and while that's definitely proven to be true, you have all shown brilliant attitudes and a desire to help your peers. It's really made our jobs that much easier: a rising tide lifts all boats. 

The CBC is almost as wonderful as its Almighties, we admit it.

Have an excellent Break Week - talk to us, PM us, go hiking/camping the way Ara does every other weekend like a lunatic in search of Bigfoot, binge-watch some good TV, read Crime and Punishment... Do whatever you like.

We'll see you next week for eliciahyder's session, where we'll be reading The Bed She Made.  See you then!

- Ara & Lucy x

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