Interview with Fern Blythe

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Name: Fern Blythe

Wattpad username: FernBlythe

Favourite quote: "Words are all we have."--Samuel Beckett (I did everything I could to verify this quote short of spending money, including emailing one of my old professors. I haven't heard back from him yet. I'll update if I do. I apologize if some day you find out Beckett didn't say this. I did my best. Short of spending money.)

Currently writing: Falling (here, on Wattpad, you're about to read it); a ChickLit-Mystery crossover.

Currently reading (non-WP): A Fatal Grace, by Louise Penny

Currently eating/drinking a lot of: Soda, ice cream. Don't let that fool you into thinking I'm a health nut.

Favourite non-literary hobby: Cooking? I don't know. That seems weird, but it's the only other thing I do "for fun."

Authors who you love (any genre): Margaret Atwood, John Irving, Louise Penny, Liane Moriarty (I've only read one of hers, but I loved it so much I can't imagine not loving another), Amy Tan, Michael Crichton, can I throw LM Montgomery and Laura Ingalls Wilder in there? And I might love Jodi Picoult. I need to look away from my bookshelf.

Tell us about how you started writing: Pass? This is a hard question. I want to say I just picked up a pen and started writing, but I don't think that's what you mean. I guess it's just something I've always done. I've been lucky enough to have a couple of teachers who encouraged me and told me I had talent, and that's kind of given me enough of a push to believe that it's worth doing. Most recently, I've been writing more because I had some free time (HAD being the operative word—seems like it all disappeared), and I figured I may as well stop thinking about doing it and just do it. So instead of trying to write something epic and inspiring and world-changing and prize-worthy, I decided to just start writing something and if it sucked, so what? At least I was doing what I've always wanted to do.

How did you get your first story published? What did you take away from the experience? 

I don't know if this counts, so ignore it if it doesn't. Things that I have written are available on Amazon. They do not have my name on them and I can't use them as examples of my writing. I also don't really claim them as my stories--I ghostwrite and I only take jobs where the credited author gives me the plotline (The idea of giving away my own idea is crazy to me.). I think it still sort of counts as being published because the person who contracted me thought it was good enough to put their name on and because people can buy something I wrote (even if that's a secret). Traditional or self-publishing for myself is still the goal though.

Would you like to write for a living? If so, why/not? 

Can I answer both of these? I wouldn't be able to answer this one without parts of my answer above, so, do with all of this as you will. Yes! Of course I would like to write for a living! Are you kidding me? It's the dream come true. Getting money for doing something that I love and that I've always wanted to do? Yes, of course.

Why did you pick this story to be featured? 

It's the only (multi-chapter) one I have on Wattpad/had time to get on Wattpad.

What inspired you to write this story? 

This is weird, but in addition to songs, I sometimes get words/phrases/sentences stuck in my head. I got the first line of the story stuck in my head and decided I may as well write it. (See above about not pressuring myself to write The Most Important Novel Ever)

What is your favourite relationship in this story? 

Connor and Maddie, duh.

What do you think makes this story stand out?

I think the realism of the characters and their situation sets it apart. It's not the kind of story you read and wonder what kind of alternate reality these people are living in.

What do you hope readers take away from this story? 

My goal is really for readers just to enjoy the story. So I guess I hope they take away a little bit of happiness (if that's not too cheesy).

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