Chapter 2 - Friends?

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I'm already down in the foyer by the time 8am rolls around. I have a spare pack of clothes and snacks and water at the ready.

My spirits are high and my mood joyous. Lana came back to me last night. I though I was dreaming before I realized she was just back. I almost screamed I was so happy. Snapping up in bed I talked to her almost all night.

She's okay. She's here and she's okay.

I woke this morning, my knee practically healed, and my swollen eye almost gone. Only my bruises remain. All thanks to Lana. I'd be dead without her.

I'm only waiting a few minutes before I smell an all too familiar cologne of Cal.

My stepfather stomps towards me, a scowl of disgust on his face. He grabs my jaw, my hands immediately grasping his wrist. My mood changing from excitement to fear instantly.

"Wipe that peppy pathetic look off your face" he angles my neck up so I'm looking into his eyes, practically tasting his breath. "You are nothing more than a freak. A accident of nature, and a burden on everyone's life." He releases my face.

I stager back, almost falling on my ass. He says this almost every time. And yet... It still hurts. It always still hurts.

I hold my self up, working to keep my face blank and my head down. My hands shake so bad, I hold them behind my back.

Cal seems pleased enough at my surrender, he stares at me a few more moments before turning for the door and rushing outside to his truck.

I follow suit, looking back into the house as I close the door. The tears starting to form behind my eyes, aching to fall.

I have to hold back, I have to keep quiet.

Breath in, and out.

Crying only ever made him hit harder, kick more. Lock me in a dark room for longer.

I take a breath, hiding my feelings and holding my face in a stone like expression. Turning on my heals towards the truck and hopping in.


The drive is tense. I'm shoved into the back, as far from Cal as he can get me without throwing me in the bed of his truck again. Last time I popped my head out and he got pulled over. Social services had me for over two weeks, until my mom sobered up and claimed she was good to take care of me again.

The second we stepped back through the front door my stepfather walked up to us, slapping me across the face and cussing me out. Handing my mother a new bottle and shoving her into the living room. And things went back to normal.

The car jolts, and I'm brought out of the memory.

I just sit and watch the trees, taking in the familiar rout. Its fall, so the leaves are changing from a rich healthy green to a beautiful, faded orange.

My favourite colour. A light sunset type of orange. The warm comforting colour reminds me of the sky right before the sun gives way to night. The colour of the pumpkins me and my mother used to carve before Cal came around.

The only thing I know about my father. His favourite colour. My favourite colour.

The Shed comes into view not more than 30 minutes later, deep in the forest. Away from the road.

Cal takes me here once a month, every month. Except February, for reasons he deems important like there is no 30th in February. Its just a bull shit reason to keep me and Lana tense for another month with no relief.

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