Chapter 11 - Sleeping together?

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'I'm sorry, Magnolia' Lana's voice pulls through the thick smog in my head. 'I'm no doing okay.'

I throat constricts and I feel my blood go cold. 'What?'

'I-I, I not okay.' She stutters, 'I just... I wanna be safe, but my dreams....'

'I'm so sorry, Lana. Why didn't you tell me sooner?' I pull my self closer, feeling every bit guilty as I should. I should have known. Why haven't I been checking on her.

'Magsy no. not you fault, never you fault.' A chuckle falls past my lips.

'I forgot you could hear me.' Her light chuckle eases the tension in my shoulders. My legs slumping against the floor. 'I'm sorry Lana.'

'No I sorry. I been hiding it. Pretending with Vex, Sin, and Tanky.' I can feel her warmth and truth seeping into my skin... wait.

'Wait, who?' I ask, she chuckles again. My question wasn't funny.

'Daniel, Luther and Sethy. Vex, Sin, and Tanky.' It takes me a few seconds to understand what she's saying.

She's talking about their wolves. She's met their wolves. How?

'I their mate and them mine, I met them when you did. We talk, a lot. Through... oh what's it called?'

'Mind link.' I say, the word forming from a memory that's not mine.

'Ya that the thingy. They say we have it now, but you no have it till you mate with Luther, Daniel, and Sethy.'

'I thought I was already their mate.' I think, my tears drying on my cheeks and my earlier fear replaced at the thought that I might not actually be their mate. A new wave of fear washes over me.

'I no think it's the same.' She says, her and I both confused. Not coming up with any answers ourselves.

"Sweetheart?" Luther's voice breaks us both from our thoughts.

I wipe the dried tears from my cheeks, pushing my self up and gripping the door handle. I hesitate, looking down and flinching at the sight of me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, tightening my grip on the handle.

"C-can you grab me some clothes?" I ask through the door. Theres no noise or movement for a few seconds, then I hear footsteps retreating. Only to return minutes later.

I crack the door open, reaching my hand out around the corner. Carful to keep all of me hidden.

I feel warm fingers and a tingly sensation when soft fabric lands in my palm. I pull my hand back, closing and locking the door behind me.

'I think you should meet our Lycan's, I really like them. And I should tell them, to be better.' I pull on the clothes one piece at a time.

'Lana, what's wrong? Why aren't you okay?' I ask, carful to avoid my reflection.

Theres a deep bone shaking sigh running through my mind and body. Lana pulling back before she speaks.

'I' having nightmares. About... them. Mates feel safe.' She says, a warm feeling filling our stomach at the reminder of the men... our men, I guess. Right?

'I happy around them. I no happy there, at home. Put away, or... the darkness.' I nearly break at her words.

I knew she was being hurt by those drugs. And I didn't check on her.

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