Chapter 9 - Won't Hold Me Back

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I walk down the halls, my steps light as I search the house. Luther and Daniel are in the kitchen, but Seth is somewhere else.

My heart sinks when I find him sitting on the long grey 'L' shaped couch in the third living space I've searched in this massive house.

His hands grip at his hair as he stares at the ground between his knees. His body still but his mind crowded. I can feel his regret and sorrow from the doorway I stand in, contemplating how I want to approach him.

I settle on walking up to him and taking a seat inches from him. The dip in the cushions alerts him to my presence.

He looks up at me, his eyes rimed in red and full of worry.

"I-I..." his husky voice breaks as he finds the words. I step in before he can say more.

"I am so sorry" my voice clear and strong. I know I was wrong, I know it wasn't his fault, I know I reacted badly. I just have to make him believe it.


"I went somewhere, in that moment." I start, "I forgot I was safe for a moment. W-when you turned around..." the words evading me for a second, "I saw anger. I felt your anger. And I went somewhere."

He takes me in, his eyes moving all over my face. "Where?" his voice cracks and dips as the letters fall from his full, deep pink lips.

"Back home. Back to that house." I pause at the lump forming in my throat. "Back to them." I'm proud of my self. I'm holding back the fear. Sharing and not stuttering.

All because I don't fear him. I know I was wrong, and I hate how I made him feel. And I'll do anything to never see that kind of pain in his eyes ever again.

I can overcome anything. I hope.

He nods his head, but the sadness and regret doesn't leave his body, If anything it grows.

"I know I was wrong. I know you didn't mean to scare me." I scootch forward, sliding my hand into his. Resting them on his leg as I look into his eyes. Courage like never before washing over my body.

I've never felt this way with anyone, and it scares me. But I also don't want it to go away.

"I'm working on it." I scootch a little closer. His body adjusting and turning more towards me, like the pull I feel is mutual. "And I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I was the one who scared you. I scare you." The last words coming out broken and hushed. Like it pains him to say these things, feel these things.

"No" is all I say. Holding my breath as I think of ways to show him, make him understand it wasn't him.

An idea comes to mind reminding me of yesterday. How Luther had pulled me into his arms, how it comforted me and made me believe the things they said.

It worked for me; it might work for him. But he so large. I take a second to figure out my maneuver.

I pull my legs out from under me, moving over so my leg nestles into his on the other side. My front almost pressing on his front, his hands moving to my waist as I grasp his shoulders.

"You don't scare me. My feelings for you do." I straddle his hips, his body slightly relaxing at my touch. I shiver a little as his fingers press into my waist. Squeezing gently, grounding my to this moment.

I have the urge to move. TO press closer and rub against him. My lower stomach clenching and my core aching. But I relist.

I don't know what my body is trying to tell me or why. But I have more important things to do right now.

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