Chapter 13 - Mating?

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I'm standing beside Luther's bed, eyeing the soft covers, and contemplating crawling in buck naked and never leaving.

Though the urge to be around the boys... my mates is too strong. And I don't think inviting them to join me naked in bed isn't the best move.

I turn away and move towards Luther's closet. I hope he wont mind me borrowing something of his.

I go to reach for a soft looking sweatshirt but pull back immediately as trickles of fear edge my senses. I shouldn't be taking his clothes. I shouldn't even be in here.

'It's okay.' Lana pipes up. Her shoulders shrug as she continues, 'mates wont mind. Mates will like.'

She's right, I have to calm down. Its not like I haven't been wearing their clothes this whole time.

I grab the sweater and a pare of... I think shorts and slip out of the walk-in closet. Dropping the towel, I slip into the soft clothes. The sweaters pretty big on me, reaching my mid thigh. But the shorts fit nicely, almost completely hidden under the top.

I grab the towel and hang it up. Catching a glimpse of my self in the mirror. I cringe at the sight, cursing myself for looking at all.

Making my way downstairs, I find the boys sitting in the living room that's attached to the dinning room. Their attention snaps to me, their eyes immediately moving to my legs.

I pull my hands into the sleeves holding them behind my back. I fidget a little, unsure of what to say or do.

Seth moves a pillow onto his lap, and Daniel lifts his foot to sit on his knee. Both men's eyes still on me, roaming up and down. I blush at their perusal. Luther is the only one with his eyes closed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry, I hoped y-you wouldn't mind." I wrap my arms around my waist, getting ready for a lashing for touching what isn't mine.

It never comes.

Instead, Luther lifts off the couch and takes my hands from around my waist. Holding them up and kissing each knuckle hidden under his sweater sleeves.

Heat like no other rushes my body, shadowing my cheeks in a hot pink glow.

"Take anything you like. Wear my clothes when ever you want." He caresses my knuckles with his thumbs. "Anything and everything I have is yours."

"Don't leave us out brother." Daniel pipes up from his lounge chair.

Luther ignores him and pulls me towards the couch. Gracefully sitting down while I practically flop like a fish as he pulls me onto his lap.

He holds my legs to his and I nestle into his chest, laying my head against his shoulder.

"Speaking of yours, we thought..." Luther starts, "you might like some things of your own here."

I look up at him, confused and a little afraid at what he means.

"There's a mall near by," this time Seth speaks. I pull my eyes off Luther, feeling him squeeze me closer as my attention veers to the others. "Where you can grab some new clothes, toiletries, accessories, whatever you need really."

The idea excites me, up until I realize something.

"I-I don't have any money" its embarrassing buts it's the truth. I've never owned anything, never worked, or earned anything.

Except for a beating or two.

But I think... I don't think I really earned those either.

"Don't worry about that sweetheart." Luther's breath fans over my neck, his nose brushing the skin. I shiver in his hold, and I feel the smile forming on his lips against my shoulder.

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