06- there's no place like homecoming

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"Melissa should know better, little Ava's heart belongs with an older Romeo, just like your friend's does-A"

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"Melissa should know better, little Ava's heart belongs with an older Romeo, just like your friend's does-A"

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

 Homecoming was a day I have been planning since I was a kid, me and Alison had this whole day planned for years. We would be matching probably her in some hot color while I would be in a more pastel one. We would get ready at her house, and most likely all our families would be there together watching us walk down the stairs. Jason would be there too, in the back watching me, with the smallest smile on the corner of his lips. Noel, would be my date, he was good friends with Alison and even better friends with me, so that maked sense to happen.

I guess, now that homecoming is more real and about to happen Noel is the only thing that makes it feel more right.

We had an expectitive about homecoming because we wanted to let the whole school know that Alison Dilaurentis and Ava Bennet were in highschool now. We were grown ups and we rulled the school, obviously Alison's idea of what homecoming would be.

We arrived at Aria's house together, we knew she was sad and with no strength to party's or anything, but letting her stay at home alone was not a good idea and we as her best friend's were not letting it happen.

"Okay, this is not accepted." I say taking Aria's headphones. She was curled in her bed listening to music when we bargged in.

"Hmm, what you doing?" She asked.

"An intervention" Spencer responded.

"We brought take out and rag mags" Emily said, giving the mags to her.

"But you cannot have those until you get out of these sweats." Hannah mentioned .

"Why? Whta's wrong with thsese?" Aria asked looking down at herself.

"Nothing, except that they are grafting to your skin" Spencer said.

"They are comfy" Aria exhaled.

"Yeah, so are mom-jeans and platform flip-flops" Hannah said sarcastly.

"Plus, how are we going to help you choose a homecoming dress if you don't try some on for us?" Emily asked, with a smile on her face.

"Well, that's easy I'm not going" Aria admited.

"You have too, it's homecoming" I say, sitting on her bed.

"Yeah, you can't just not go" Spencer said.

"What you doing instead?" 

"I guess i will read these and then inhale a gallon of Chunky Monkey" Aria said, picking up the mags from her bed.

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