Father Daughter Day

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Chapter 9


"So where do you want to eat?"

My dad asks me as he drives.

"Well, what's your favorite restaurant out here?"

"Hmm," he thinks about it for a minute, "there is this bar and grill that has some of the best seafood you'll ever eat. It's caught fresh daily."

"That sounds good, to be honest."

"Alright then," he smiles, "that was so much easier than when I used to ask your mom where she wanted to eat."

"Dad!" I laugh, "I'ma tell momma you said that."

"You do, and I'll tell her I only gave you a 24-hour grounding."

"What do you mean tell her what?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

We both laugh.

As we're driving along the wheel at the back of our car on the driver's side starts to make a loud noise, and the car begins to wobble.

"Ah hell. I think we got a flat."

My dad says as he looks in the side mirror. He pulls off along the shoulder and gets out of the car to check it out. I get out on my side and walk to the back where he is.

"Is it bad?" I ask.

"It's going to have to be changed. I can air it up enough to get us to a mechanic, but it's too dangerous to change right  here, and I don't got a spare."

"So should I call somebody or?"

"Nah, there's a shop close by, I'll just put some air in, and we can make our way over there.

"Okay, you need any help?"

"No, I got it. Just get back in the car. I don't need anything happening to you. Your momma would be on my ass about it."

I laugh and get back into the car.

. . .

I sit with my legs crossed in the mechanics shop, flipping through magazines about cars and car parts and anything to do with mechanics. My dad left on foot a few minutes ago to find a gas station so he could buy himself something to drink. He's apparently about to die of thirst, and after the soda machine here wouldn't work, he gave up on beating it and left in search of a gas station. I have never been without my phone before, and even though I have no social media I am now realizing I still used it for so many things. Things I am now without. Just 24 hours, I keep telling myself.


I look up from my magazine and see Zenith standing in the doorway that leads out into the work area where the cars are fixed. He's dressed in black pants and a black colored shirt like all the other mechanics. I stand up, setting the magazine back down on the table where I got it from.

"Hey Zen, what are you doing here?"

He smirks at me.

"Well, I work here." He starts walking towards me.

"Right, I knew that because of your uniform." I laugh lightly.

"What are you doing here though, and did you call me Zen?"

"Well, firstly," I laugh, "I was on a father daughter date with my dad when we got a flat. And secondly, yes, I did call you Zen."

"Hmm." He smiles at me.

"You like it?" I step up to him.

"I do actually no one's called me that before."

"Well, I am happy to be the first." I smile up at him.

"Are you now?" He lifts his hand to my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Hi." He whispers back then leans down to kiss me.


We pull apart to see a man with greying hair who looks to be in his late fifties staring at us.

"Zenith, I don't believe I need to remind you that you're at work, son."

Zenith looks back at me and rolls his eyes playfully.

"Sorry, boss."

"No, I'm sorry that I didn't teach this young man more manners."

The man walks up to us.

"I am John, and you must be the lovely Reina I have heard so much about."

We shake hands.

"I am her, but what have you heard exactly."

"If I told you we'd be here until closing time." John laughs, "you know all this boy used to ever talk about was surfing and cars. Now it's Reina this and Reina that and Reina is so pretty I think I could die."

"Okay! Thank you, John." Zenith runs a hand down his blushing face.

"Ain't no reason to be all bashful now."

"John, I swear-"

I can't help but laugh at how much Zenith is blushing right now. He looks so cute when flustered.

"Alright, I'll hold my tongue." John chuckles. "But you do need to get back to it soon."

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute."

"It was nice finally getting to meet you, Miss Reina."

"Likewise." I smile.

John goes back out into the shop.

"He's great." I laugh.

"Yeah, he's something alright."

Zenith's face gets serious all of a sudden.

"I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday if I had known-"

"Hey, hey stop okay." I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him.

"It was no one's fault but mine. And my dad and I already worked it out today. So it's okay."

"You worked it out?"

"I'm only grounded for 24 hours. Just don't tell my mom because she wanted me to be grounded for the rest of the week."

"Your secret is safe with me." He smiles.

"Good now, kiss me!"

He bites his bottom lip.

"Yes, ma'am."

He cups my face and kisses me softly a few times.


We turn our attention to the shop door again, John stands there tapping his watch.

"I'm coming."

John disappears through the door again. Zenith turns back to me.

"I'll talk to you soon, beautiful."

"Okay." I reluctantly remove my arms from around him.

He turns to head for the door but then turns right back around again, pulling me towards him and starts planting kisses all over my face. I squeal with laughter.


"I know, I know." He gives me one last kiss on my lips.

"See you soon beautiful."

"See you soon."

He kisses the top of my hand and then walks away.

How is everyone enjoying the story so far? That's the end of chapter 9!

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