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On a crispy Saturday morning, Sanique was awoken from her deep slumber by the sound of her younger brother's scream. What the hell? She thought.

Freaked the fuck out, she rushed out of bed to see what the commotion was. She spotted Semaj looking at something on the porch in shock. Following his line of sight, she saw the silhouette of a man with a Mohawk on the curtain.

Immediately recognizing the distinct haircut, she opened the glass door to let in the one and only Puckerman in.

"Noah, why are you here?" Sanique asks groggily.

"Well, word on the street is that the Cheerios are hosting a car wash, and what better way to start off your day than a bunch of hot girls in mini skirts cleaning your dirty car?" He suggested, and Sanique nodded in agreement. That's probably some girl's weird gay fantasy. And someone needs to wash the scent of sex out of his car.

"Okay. Let's go." She accepts. "Maj, make sure Mama gets up in time for work."

"Bye Nique, bye Noah!" Semaj waved, the fear having worn off.

"It's Puck to you, little man." he instructed while ruffling his hair- though there wasn't much to ruffle.

What a way to start Sanique's one day off.


Pulling into the car wash, Puck was driving extra slow to make sure he greeted all his female suitors.

As the car came to a halt, a Cheerio Sanique was quite familiar with approached to wash it.

Standing near the passenger window, Santana angrily whispered to her friend, "Why did you bring him here?"

"It's his car, Santana. Plus, aren't you guys dating?" Sanique inquired.

"Have you been living under a rock? I broke up with him yesterday. He needs to step up and become a real man." answered the Latina, not-so-subtly glaring at her ex.

"I can hear you, hoebag." Puck announced.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes before beginning to clean his Corolla, "This car looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the Cold War."

"Ignore her," he quietly tells Sanique as he snaked an arm around her shoulder. "She can never stray away from the Puckzilla for too long. The D's just that good."

Her face scrunched up in repugnance at his attempt of gloating.

"Ahem," Quinn cleared her throat. Upon seeing her, Puck retracted his arm from Sanique's shoulder. "Can you not talk about your "D" while I'm washing your car."

"Come on Lady Fabray, don't act like you didn't want i-" Thankfully his sentence was cut off by somebody's car window getting smashed.

"You busted my window. How could you do that? You busted my window!" A rather flamboyant gay kid from Sanique's English class yelled.

"Well you busted my heart." Mercedes Jones quipped.

Sanique greatly admired Mercedes' ability to make a scene. That girl can storm off.


After witnessing the school's resident gay kid, who she now knew as Kurt Hummel, get his windshield busted, she couldn't get the song Bust Your Windows by Jazmine Sullivan out of her head.

She sat in Spanish class alone, retaking her test after receiving guidance from Santana.

"I bust the windows out your car.. but it don't comfort my broken heaaart," she sang, not noticing one Will Schuester walking in.

"You really are as good as Rachel said you were," he started, getting her attention. Rachel? "Joining Glee could really help you reach your full vocal potential."

"With all due respect, Mr Schue. I wouldn't join Glee Club in my wildest dreams." she stated honestly.

"Okay, well, someone informed me of your.. unfortunate financial situation. So, to possibly change your mind, I'd thought I'd give you a little incentive." He said while subtly sliding two one hundred dollar bills towards her.

"You think I can be bought?" She questioned, one eyebrow raised.

As Mr Schue stammered out a reply, Sanique gave his offer some thought. At her core, she was a broke teenage girl, and she'd trade her reputation for a couple hundred bucks in a heartbeat.

"N-no, I didn't mean it like-"

"It's fine Mr Schue. I'll join." she simply stated, pocketing her newly acquired money.

Feeling accomplished, Mr Schue pumped his fist and uttered out an excited "yes".

Slightly weirded out by her teacher's actions, Sanique walked out of the Spanish classroom, not forgetting to leave her finished evaluation on his desk.

ROSE COLOURED LENSES , quinn fabrayWhere stories live. Discover now