sectionals, part 1.

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"Okay, spin your wheelchairs! And, wheelies!" Rachel orders loudly as the rest of the Glee Club practices their Proud Mary number.

Ever since Mr. Schue's departure, Rachel has been filling up everyone's schedules with her badly-timed dance rehearsals. Mr. Schue hadn't assigned them a new teacher yet, so they just let her boss them around for the sake of winning.

To anyone other than the 13 members of the New Directions, Sectionals may seem like a simple hurdle they need to conquer. But to them, this is a life or death, high stakes mission. There is absolutely no room for failure. And that especially goes for Ms Rachel Berry, who is equipped with a whistle and a megaphone, yelling out commands every three seconds.

Then, Quinn falls. Sanique tries to rush to her side, but is beat to the chase by the blonde's two suitors, Puck and Finn.

"Is it the baby? Is it coming?" Finn panics.

"Think we're supposed to get hot towels." Puck chimes in, feeling Sanique walk up next to him and stare down at the girl.

"Would you both just shut up! There's, like, sweat on the floor. I slipped, okay? I'm fine!" Quinn yells, getting back up by taking Sanique's outstretched hand, which none of the boys had even thought of offering, and dusting herself off.

When Finn finally convinces Rachel to let the group take five, Sanique eagerly speed walks to the vending machine across the hall. But, reaching into her wallet, she can't even find a dime. Letting out an exhausted puff, she shakes it until she gets lucky and an iced tea falls off the rack and into the slot.

When she's driving home early that day because Rachel had a girls with gay dads club meeting to get to, the idea of her bed in her mind has never been more appealing.

So imagine her relief when she enters to room to be greeted with clean sheets, pillows all propped up and— her mother?


The older woman jumps from her position in front of her daughter's dresser, turning to look over at her, "Hi Nini!"

"What are you doing?"

Gabrielle seems slightly startled by her daughter's sudden entrance. She picks up a laundry basket and smiles brightly.

"Decided to clean your room up for you," She answers. "I was going to fold your clothes, but you came home early today."

"Yeah, Rachel had a gay dads meeting." Sanique explains vaguely.

Her mother nods before making her way out of the bedroom, basket in hand. She grins at her daughter one last time before closing the door behind her. Now Sanique can lay down and relax.

When she's finally wrapped up in her covers and drifting off to sleep, an alarm goes off. She groans as if she'd just been told the other Glee Clubs had stolen their setlist (or something.) The one thing that didn't cross her mind was that she had a shift in half an hour.

She reaches over to her piggy bank, which she could have swore she restocked the day before, but it's damn near empty. "What the fuck?"

She groans again, throwing on her unintentionally inappropriate apron and running out of the house. The few dollars she scavenged for can buy her an extra small coffee at the max, and she goes to work fuelled by just that.

Safe to say she had a pretty terrible shift.


Once again, the majority of the Glee Club is gathered around the piano, or black shiny thing in Sue's vocabulary, as they all discuss Mr. Schue.

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