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"As we head into sectionals, I wanna get some feedback," Mr Schue shares to the club. "Like, what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing. Is there anything any music in particular that you guys wanna do?"

"Can we maybe try something a little more black?" Mercedes suggests, earning a hum of accord from Sanique and an 'I agree' from Kurt.

"We do an awful lot of show tunes." He continues.

"It's Glee Club, not Crunk Club." Rachel counters, receiving astonished looks from other Glee Clubbers.

"Don't make me take you to the carpet." Mercedes retorts.

"Fantastic!" Mr Schue interrupts loudly. "Thank you, Mercedes, Kurt. Duly noted. Anything else?"

"I can pop and lock." Mike adds mindlessly, about to demonstrate.

"Not really what we're goin' for, Mike but noted." The teacher shoots down, as everyone's moods deflate at the dismissal.

Lately, the members of glee club— specifically minorities, have been feeling ignored and unheard by their coach. Whenever anyone tries to make a song suggestion that differs from the average middle aged white man's taste, Mr Schuester immediately declines.

However, whenever Rachel or Finn share their idea of an 'appropriate' song for Sectionals, he doesn't hesitate to hear them out, doing nothing but aggravating the "Schuester plays favourites" accusations from the rest of the club.

Feeling the urge to speak up for her friends who feel neglected, Sanique begins her speech of protest that she'd been coming up with since the beginning of the hour, "Mr Schue, us minorities— along with those who aren't Rachel or Finn, have been feeling ignored lately and—"

Unfortunately the bell rings, effectively cutting her off. The glee club disperses, and most of them walk straight past their teacher under fire, giving him the silent treatment when he bids farewell.

"Saved by the bell." Santana mumbles as she walks by him. She marches up to Sanique, who was getting praise from every passing glee club member. The Latina notice the brunette was hardly paying attention, instead staring off at something—someone in the distance.

"You and your longing stares," She jokes, following her friend's line of sight. "Do not tell me you're checking out Quinn of all people."

"I'm not," Sanique denies, briefly glancing at her friend before restoring her gaze on the blonde, "We.. had a fight. I think she's still mad at me."

"Who could hold a grudge against a sweet girl like you?" Santana coos, pinching her cheek, still unable to pull her gaze away from the cheerleader across the hallway. "I mean, if you're that hung up on it, go on and talk to her."

"Can't go through corridors anymore." Sanique says vaguely, confusing the girl beside her. "Elaborate please."

"Ever since JBI posted the Puck incident to his blog, people have been shamelessly ogling me as I walk by. I mean, I used to like it, when I was with you and the attention was diverted. Now I just feel like I came to school naked." She explains truthfully, still staring at Quinn fondly— stupidly hoping she would look back and see the emotions in her eyes then forgive her on the spot.

"Technically, you did come naked. Guys tend to undress you with their eyes— kinda like what you're doing to Miss Fabray right now." Santana teases playfully, causing Sanique to rip her eyes away from the blonde, and straight into the Latina's.

The brunette's face flushes as she scoffs, immediately denying any assumptions of sexual attraction towards the blonde. "That's not true and you know that." She squeaks out, missing the way Quinn returns the longing stare, analyzing her side profile from afar.

ROSE COLOURED LENSES , quinn fabrayWhere stories live. Discover now