sectionals, part 2

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Quinn finds herself walking to Sanique's car alongside Tina, Mike, Matt and Mercedes, who enjoy carpooling whenever they feel like being gas leeches.

"Yeah, usually Brittany and Santana come along, but they're part of a Cheerios float at the parade today." Mercedes answers when Quinn asks her about the amount of people who hitch rides with Sanique. She internally questions how all those people are able to fit in a Toyota Matrix.

Quinn smiles at the thought of being in the Lima parade as a Cheerio— she always had good memories participating in it, even though Sue made them practice for it until they quite literally dropped dead (Esmerelda "Bush Reek" Bushcreek, former flyer, was rushed to the hospital after being purposely dropped in order to make an excuse to end practice. It didn't work.)

Everybody's heads snap towards the sound of keys jingling, and Sanique comes into sight with her arms in the air, making them all cheer at her fashionably late entrance.

"I call shotgun!" Matt shouts, about to open the door when Sanique puts a hand to his chest.

"Not so fast Bonehead," She interjects, "Quinn gets passenger seat."

He sighs, opening the back door and squeezing in next to Mercedes and Tina. Mike sits in the trunk.

As Sanique sticks her key in the ignition, Quinn notices how her friends are oddly quiet. She looks through the rear view mirror to see all of them looking back at her unblinkingly. She lets out a very long sigh.

They're comfortable talking behind her back most of the time, so what makes this different? Technically, they're still behind her back.

"You guys can talk." The blonde tells them. When she was Queen Bee Quinn, anyone who dared to raise their tongues against her would be subjected to very public humiliation in the form of a Slushee facial.

The grant of permission makes them immediately spring into conversation.

"Did you see how Finn kicked two chairs this time? He means business."

"There's no way we're winning Sectionals without him."

"Maybe Puck and Quinn can duet Isn't She Lovely."

In an effort to remain unbothered, Quinn turns to Sanique who is hyper focused on the road. She's going like 15 under the limit, which gets on the blonde's nerves.

"You know the speed limit is 60, right?"

"Well, I have a baby on board today," She reasons. "Rather be safe than sorry."

Then she gets cut off by a black Mustang whose driver's hand goes out the window to flip her off. It's almost as if God is laughing at her. So is Quinn, but Sanique sees it as more of a sweet, soft laugh rather than a mocking one.

"Nique, someone wants to say hi," A stutterless Tina informs, handing her a phone. Sanique tilts her head to the right so she can keep the phone in place in between her ear and her shoulder.

"It's Sanique." she says to the caller, both hands gripping her furry steering wheel cover.

"Qui-Qui!" the girl on the line responds, very loudly since she was in public.

"Aren't you at your parade?"

"Yeah, I was deprived of gossip, and I wanted to say hi to my favourite hoe." Santana explains. Unbeknownst to everyone else within hearing distance, that wasn't a joke.

Sanique rolls her eyes, "Hi, Tana."

Suddenly, cheering erupts coming from the other end that are much, much louder than whatever Santana's trying to communicate.

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