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It's yearbook photo season, and Kurt has called a Glee Club meeting in the choir room. Everyone's gathered around the shiny piano, waiting in suspense for him to begin his speech.

"Where's Rachel?" Kurt questions.

"She's not here yet."

"Perfect. Glee club stands on a delicate precipice. We have all felt the cold humiliation of a slushie in the face. But as of right now, our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution: swirlies, patriotic wedgies,"

"What's a patriotic wedgie?" Mercedes inquires. Sanique shudders at the thought— She had witnessed far too many from the passenger seat of Puck's car.

"It's when they hoist you up the flag pole by your underwear." She replies, glancing at Artie.

"Strangely, it did make me feel more American." The boy speaks from experience.

"Based on my investigation, I am of the opinion that a yearbook photo would only fuel the flames of anti-glee-club terror. I've done a little library research,"

Kurt slams a yearbook onto the piano, opening it to a designated page, "Peter Gellar. Glee club second tenor, 1998. He can be seen here with both a drawn on Hitler mustache and rice paddy hat. Shortly after the yearbook came out, Mr. Gellar had a nervous breakdown. He is now the homeless man who sleeps in front of the public library."

"Patches?" Quinn asks from beside Sanique.

"Patches." Kurt confirms.

"He barks at my mom." Brittany deadpans, the fear of the yearbook's wrath spreading to the impressionable members of the group.

Kurt expands on his argument, "Exhibit B: Tawny Peterson, glee club class of 2000, seen here in her photo with a cartoon knife stuck in her head, in a macabre tableau that, in four years would prove eerily prescient." At the revelation, the New Directions look over at each other uneasily.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say that not having to pose for a yearbook photo might be a blessing in disguise. I suggest not fighting Figgins' ruling." Kurt concludes, effectively convincing his peers to keep their mouths shut.

"Oh, hey, guys." Mr. Schue greets, not noticing the tense atmosphere, "Ah, looking at old Thunderclaps?"

"Sucks we'll never get a photo.." Sanique chimes in, trying to play along. Unfortunately, it just fuels her teacher's yearbook-yearning fire.

"It's totally unfair. Hey, can I borrow one of these?" He says, taking the book from the piano, "You know what? This year's thunderclap is going to have a glee club photo with every one of your smiling faces. You have my word on it."


Sanique is walking down the halls of McKinley High towards the end of lunch break when she spots Quinn sitting on a table by her lonesome through the glass of the library window. She smiles at the sight— the blonde is clearly lost in thought, eyebrows knitted together as she reads attentively.

The brunette enters the room and is greeted by sheer silence as the door closes behind her. She strolls over to the table, unbeknownst to Quinn, and pulls out a chair next to her, making a loud screeching sound that makes her snap her head to the left.

Upon seeing the girl, Quinn dog-ears her page and loudly slams her book closed, which alarms everyone else in the library— most importantly the librarian, who gives her an extraordinarily intimidating glare.

"Shh," Sanique teases, putting a finger over her lips, eyeing the sudden movement.

"You scared me." The blonde scolds quietly, her gaze subconsciously drifting to her playful gesture.

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