Chapter 1

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Midoriya Izuku is a weird kid, people said.

And Bakugo Katsuki agreed with that notion wholeheartedly.

It was clear from the very beginning. For a five-year-old, he was too silent. His gaze was too sharp. Speech too eloquent. He moved like a seasoned martial artist, or a warrior—one or the other. He didn't indulge in playing Heroes and Villains like most children usually did, preferring to sleep under the trees during recess or to watch the clouds drift by. While the rest played with blocks or drew silly pictures, Izuku sat in a corner and read a book with difficult words. As the teacher showed his classmates how to multiply single digits, Izuku solved arithmetic questions even a college student would have difficulty with. As opposed to playing "Guess what?" and describing people or objects, Izuku analyzed both hero and civilian quirks to their core; how to strengthen their abilities or make up for any weaknesses.

Katsuki couldn't blame anyone for thinking that Izuku had some sort of intelligence quirk. With his mature nature and how easily he absorbed any knowledge like a sponge, it seemed like the obvious conclusion.

But then Izuku was diagnosed as Quirkless, and any interest the boy had received began to wither and fade into blunt dismissal.

It was almost like everyone had forgotten about his intelligence. Forgot that he could outwit any adult with ease or pick apart a pro hero at a glance. Because, in this society, 'Quirkless' seemed to equal 'useless.'

In the early days, Katsuki believed in this consensus too, ready to join the other boys in some 'fun' with the harmless weirdo. But then he saw how easily Izuku put them down. From casually laying in the soft, green grass, to standing upright with his fists raised. One second he was still, and the next, Fatty-With-Red-Wings (Katsuki didn't care to remember the other boy's name) was sobbing on the ground, blood pouring from his broken nose. Izuku had dodged that one pitiful attack and smoothly kicked Fatty's legs out from under him, causing his would-be bully to crash face-first into the unforgiving ground.

Katsuki didn't want to admit that he gasped in awe at the green-haired boy's action, but gasp in awe he did.

Clearly, when the adults said that quirkless people were "fragile" and "needed to be protected", they had no idea what they were talking about.

Katsuki may not have bullied Izuku like the other kids, but he did ask (read: demand) that Izuku teach him how to fight. After all, a hero had to beat up the villains. And Katsuki wanted to be a hero, even if the greenette himself didn't want to.

'Too troublesome.' he said. 'It's not worth my time.'

"Besides, a hero's main duty is not fighting villains, but saving others," Izuku added after he had curb-stomped Katsuki into the ground for the millionth time. Izuku didn't even need any fancy equipment to neutralize his quirk. Just a water hose and bam! no sweat to use for his explosions.

"A failure like me, I can't handle the responsibility anymore."

Katsuki didn't understand. The nerd had a bright future! Izuku already helped his father with work, though by not creating support items with his own hands, but just by bouncing ideas off each other via telephone. I-Island was aware of his existence, already reaching out with a job offer after he graduated Junior High. Not just in the support department like his father was, his analysis skills were in high demand by other technicians to improve their gadgets. No, Izuku would be a quirk research specialist with a huge salary. Obviously, he had everything in the bag.

So, why would Izuku say that? Why did he think he was a failure? When he was so many leagues ahead of Katsuki, that the blonde was actually afraid he would never even just catch up to Izuku's shadow?

In one world, Izuku wished to be a hero more than anything and received an overpowered quirk from his idol, All Might. Katsuki would spend years chasing after "Deku," until the ex-bully then turned into a fierce rival. Brash and foul-mouthed, he would not hesitate to throw a punch at or step over any person (read: extras) to achieve his dreams.

In this world, Katsuki was still full of attitude and ready to say what he meant. But he also realized at a young age that—just because someone's quirk was not as strong or as flashy as his—it didn't mean they were weak. Not when a Quirkless, supposedly 'useless' kid like Izuku always managed to win in their one-sided sparring matches (and he was not talking about him using his Quirk for leverage). Not when Izuku, as expressionless as he was, was actually depressed beyond measure.

In another world, Bakugo Katsuki becomes an obstacle for Izuku to pass.

In this world, Bakugo Katsuki becomes a steady pillar for his friend to lean on.

Not that he would ever admit it.

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