Chapter 4

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Aizawa did not expect to be staring down a kid only a third his age. And, embarrassingly, he was losing the battle of wills. He liked to think his dry eyes were the reason for this crushing defeat, but both participants knew that was not the case.

The kid's gaze was just too... blank, even for Aizawa. It was utterly illogical.

Eraserhead had started the night with his usual routine, patrolling the neighborhood from above with keen eyes and his scarf ready to launch. He'd already stopped a couple of robberies and attempted murder and rape, and was thinking longingly of his yellow sleeping bag. He didn't know why this patrol was so full of crime, it was barely an hour past midnight. In addition, Nezu wanted the teaching staff to come to UA tomorrow, to discuss the new semester that was fast approaching. Meaning Aizawa had to wake up early, and with this much villainy on the road, there was no way he would get more than four hours of sleep. Up with the sun and an entire pot of black coffee, it seems. Forget Hizashi's efforts to keep Aizawa off the beverage, he and caffeine were linked by destiny.

He was prepared to jump to the next rooftop when the sound of a scuffle echoed from the alley below. Aizawa stopped short and peered down. There was a small figure, wearing a black hoodie with a cartoonish deer horn on it, darting around the ground and occasionally bouncing off the walls. The light hit him for a split second and Aizawa saw freckles adorning a familiar but slightly older face.


Wasn't that Midoriya Izuku? The kid he encountered in an alleyway two years ago? Aizawa remembered him clearly. He remembered those dead eyes. Unseeing and face unmoving, enough that Aizawa worried for the kid's mental well-being.

The underground hero simply watched from his vantage point for a moment. Izuku's movements were so smooth, Eraserhead thought he recognized his own style of fighting. Not exactly his trained art, but similar enough. Quick and sharp for minimal waste of energy, and ready to fight back with a dirty jab if needed.

The boy didn't need it.

He kept one hand in his pants pocket, looking almost bored. And maybe that was why his opponent grew agitated, thinking some kid didn't consider him a real threat.

Speaking of the unknown man, Aizawa's black orbs looked more closely. While Izuku continued to move under the streetlights, the other fought hidden in the shadows of the buildings. The kid was clearly trying to provoke him into the light—just to see him better, or was he trying to attract a hero's attention? Maybe a bit of both—and it seems, he had succeeded at the latter. Fed up with this game of cat and mouse, the man let out a growl and shot forward, hand outstretched. It took less than a second for Aizawa to identify him and his heart quickened.

A beak-shaped mask.

Chisaki Kai. The leader of the Shie Hassakai. AKA Overhaul.


He dropped down almost immediately and let his capture weapon soar. Overhaul paused in his lunge to blink in shock at the appearance of an actual hero. He ducked away from the scarf and jumped back, touching the brick wall beside him. There was a sharp crack, then a loud rumble, before the entire side of the alley crumbled. Between the cloud of debris and the civilians screaming inside, Overhaul escaped.

Damn it, he was so close! One dead end after another in Tsukauchi's investigation and Eraserhead had the head honcho himself in his sights! Aizawa stewed in his frustration while he evaded or let his capture weapon grab any rocks falling down. Fortunately, Overhaul had only destroyed the wall and not the foundation itself, otherwise, they would be digging out bodies instead of a few injured civilians. Well, at least they now have a lead. One of the Shie Hassakai's hideouts must be nearby to drag their leader right into the open on Erasehead's patrol route. The question was why now, what was so important for him to take such a risk—

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