Chapter 19

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Izumi Kota peeked out from behind a tree, watching a sleeping Midoriya Izuku in confusion and irritation.

Today was the day he dreaded the most in his whole life. The day when wannabe heroes visited his humble abode and were a bunch of idiots. He could almost picture them bragging about their Quirk, how 'cool' their performance was. This kind of people, pretentious, selfish jerks, will cheer their association to protect others and celebrate when the said protectors are dead. He dreaded it because he didn't understand how someone could be so callous. So uncaring towards other people's lives. As long as they're safe. As long as they could face the next day, they didn't care who they had to sacrifice.

Kota really hated the pity. The empty platitude and reassurance that everything is going to be okay.

It's not. Everything is not okay. He felt like he was drowning as each day passed by. 

This green-haired boy was one of them. Kota stared with furrowed eyebrows when Izuku was the only one stepping out of the bus, not including a hobo-looking man, yawning and snuggling the biggest Deer doll he had ever seen. Izuku looked like a little kid, bringing that toy along (ignoring the fact that Kota himself was younger than the said teen) and he kind of scoffed at his existence. Clearly, a spoiled brat. His aunts had said that they'd test class 1-A for their prowess, fighting the earth golem without adult supervision so they could garner their power level and prepare them for the future. However, this student. Not only he wasn't supposed to be here (Kota accidentally heard. Courtesy from Shota, who scolded him for sneakily attending this summer training camp instead of being protected within UA's wall. Izuku himself was ignoring the fuming teacher) but he didn't even participate in the event the Wild-Wild Pussycats had prepared.

See? Spoiled brat.

And now, the same teenager was lying around without a care in Kota's secret location, plushie still clutched almost protectively within his range.

What should he do? Kota didn't want to go back to the dining room, too much noise. Not to mention, those students really get on his nerves with all of the 'hero' and 'training' talk. He wanted to rest from the commotion in his hideout for a bit. But now that a stranger had invaded his place...

Although his decision was made for him when Midoriya Izuku let out a small huff and spoke, "You can sit with me. I'm not gonna bite."

Well, then.

Kota apprehensively approached, sitting at the right side of the greenette in a tense posture. Izuku still had his eyes closed so how did he know Kota was there? And how did he find this secret location in the first place? He was sure the only one who knew about it was Ragdoll and that was because of her Quirk, not because he told her where. So, Kota asked. The latter question, not the former, as the kid deemed it not necessary. He also said that this place was his. If someone had an intention to bite to protect the territory, then it was Kota, not Izuku.

The said teenager snorted lightly, then apologized for the intrusion. He was searching for a perfect place to relax. To watch the sky full of stars without any interruption from artificial light or the roaring bonfire class 1A and 1B created right about now, judging from the orange light shining from behind the surrounding trees. If he stays with them, they'll definitely force him to join. Whereas Izuku just wanted to rest and sleep. Not singing and dancing. He didn't mean to stalk the child, let alone usurp Kota's favorite place.

They lapsed into silence after that explanation. Kota, looking a bit uncomfortable with the presence of someone stranger, and Izuku listening to the commotion below. The wind blew past and the night critter chattered in the background. Kota didn't know how much time had passed, the night atmosphere had finally lulled him to peace. It was not until the greenette stood up and stretched, that he realized it must be quite late already. Izuku let out a long yawn, stepping away as he distractedly mussed.

"You're not the only one who hates Hero, you see."

That made Kota jolt, gaze immediately to the form of the skulking student. He didn't corroborate, just kept on walking and leaving the young kid alone with swirling thoughts.

Did...did Izuku just imply he hated Heroes too? Then what was he doing here, attending the hero class and playing around with the wannabes in this training camp (although, he didn't join in on the exercise so far)?

Kota still hadn't reached his conclusion that day. Not until tomorrow night, when he was, again, brooding over the unfair life in his secret hideout, not noticing a villain appearing from beneath the mountain. When every hope was diminished and he was sure the killer would destroy him and turn him into a paste just like what he did to his parents and turned him into a bitter, lonely orphan. Then Izuku suddenly appeared out of nowhere, jumping right onto the guy's shoulder and sticking both of the kunai right into his eyes. It was horrifying. The villain wasn't in the middle of transforming either so basically, Izuku just assaulted a normal human instead of a monster. As he was secured safely in between the teenager's hold, vaguely listening to the scream of terror from Muscular, Izumi Kota realized.

Ah...they cannot do that, can they?

For those who uphold law and justice, Heroes wouln't needlessly hurt people even if they were villains. Never went for a move that incapacitated them permanently even if it'll save those they needed to protect.

Midoriya Izuku is not a brat. Nor he's a hero.

He's a guardian 'angel' that picked up the slack those pretentious wannabes left behind.

(A/N): After Stain's debacle, Izuku was kind of paranoid and didn't want his classmates to be away from his sight. So, just like USJ, he came along to the training camp even tho' Aizawa prohibited him from joining.

And now, Izuku's true nature finally awakened. It'll get a bit...bloody from this chapter onward

(A/N(This Author)): At the time I'm writing this A/N, I'm extremely tempted to just post this, even though I said that I would go to sleep. I'm actually going to sleep now. Night. 

LFLgam3r, out. 

I'm gonna continue this A/N tomorrow because I'm tired and am having trouble thinking straight. 

Ok, I'm continuing this A/N and finishing editing this chapter, so I'll post it, even though it's 5 in the morning at the time I'm writing this and the sun isn't even up yet. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, but I'm gonna try again after I finish this. 

Have a good morning/afternoon/night. 

LFLgam3r, out. 

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