Chapter 20

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Dabi thought the little boss was out of his rocker, ordering them to capture one Bakugo Katsuki and bring him to the headquarters, possibly sweet-talk him into becoming one of their members. Didn't Tomura watch the Sports Festival? And hear his fiery speech? That kid's a hero through and through, there's no way he'll turn to villainy even if they torture him to death. Pretty sure the kid will even suicide bomb if that means he could eradicate the League of Villains once and for all.

But anyway, he wasn't the one who pulled the strings here. So, even if he thought this idea was stupid as hell, he could only shrug his shoulders and go along for the ride.

The black-haired man was in the middle of annoying the said Katsuki, along with his posse when his senses blared with urgency. Dabi hastily jumped away, barely avoiding a brutal stab to the chest with apprehension.

That surprise assault came from a teenager with green hair and green eyes, who was crouching in front of the shocked kids, one hand gripping a sword while the other was holding three kunai. His failed attack didn't deter him even a little bit. In fact, he immediately went for the next attack and threw the small weapons consecutively toward him (where did he hide those? The kid's movement was too fast for his eyes to follow. One moment the hand snapped to the inside of his hoodie, and the next, the shuriken were already flying). Dabi jumped up and down, then boosted himself using his fire Quirk when the explosive boy let out an explosive punch. Kirishima and Todoroki followed suit. The earth cracked in a single punch and the mountain of ice toppled the nearby tree, letting out a loud thump and covering the environment with dirt, dust, and smoke.

These four children worked with each other relatively well. The red-haired boy and the heterochromatic teen may stumble here and there, but Katsuki and Izuku (Dabi finally remembered his name. He was one of the commentators in the Sports Festival, not joining in on the competition because he was the student who got hurt at the USJ 'incident' even though it was closer to a fiasco), were like the cogs in the clock. If Katsuki didn't point himself to protect the greenette's back, then he was attacking Dabi with full force. If Izuku didn't cow the enemy with his 'aura' alone so he couldn't approach the reckless blondie, then he'd be the one who sprang a dirty trap and used underhanded attacks. It was almost like watching a couple dance. A very, very dangerous dance. They protect each other. Never intended to upstage each other's attack, letting them have a go as long as they could subdue the enemy. The performance made Dabi sardonically think, "Huh".

This must be what a true hero looked like. Helping and cooperating.

Definitely different from a certain someone he knew. 

Oh well, no matter. He bought enough time already and the intended targets were both here. There was a shift in the air and Izuku jolted. He turned to his friends with wide, frantic eyes and immediately sliced the marbles with precision. Unfortunately, that heroic move doomed him as Compress' hand shot out from the ground, through Kurogiri's portal, grazing over Izuku's ankle, and catching the kid off guard (that or he was the type who thinks about other people's safety first before his own. That was the reason why Izuku couldn't identify the followed-up assault. Really, what a hero. Cue sarcastic tone) and trapping him inside the marble with a snap. Bakugo let out a shout before he too, was caught in Compress' Quirk. Another portal appeared on their back as Dabi smirked.

"Mission complete."

(A/N(This Author)): I actually finished this like 20 minutes after I finished chapter 19 because when I finish one I feel the very strong compulsion to post at least one more for some reason. I'll post later today when I'm done cleaning my room, it's an absolute mess. 

Anyways, have a good morning/afternoon/evening. 

LFLgam3r, out. 

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