Chapter 17

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Tsuragamae Kenji, the chief of the police force with a dog head as his face, thought this was the most cut-and-dry case ever yet also complicated at the same time.

The Hosu incident had put the entirety of civilization into a mass panic. Nomu were everywhere, destroying buildings and hurting people. Every hero that was present was able to help, of course, even calling for those from other regions. Then Mizushima Masaki, known as the Pro Hero Manual, had to banish that celebration by frantically reporting that Stain was in the area and his intern, Iida Tenya, was nowhere to be seen.

That name rang an immediate bell. Iida. The previous victim of the Hero-Killer. He didn't die, but his career as a Pro Hero was done for. Tenya, Tensei's younger brother was missing, and Stain was near the commotion. That could only mean the bespectacled boy had pursued the maniac and was on the way to exact vengeance.

Fortunately, Kirishima was smart enough to send a direction to Gran Torino's phone, pointing them to the exact location where the battle had ensued. When the older man, with a couple of available Pro Heroes, arrived at the scene, their hearts skipped a beat. Three of the UA's students were there, slumped lifelessly on the cold, hard ground. Along with an injured Native, propped to the wall, and Stain curled in the middle of the carnage. They thought everyone was dead. That they were too late to assist the brave (foolish) children in their quest to restrain the villain. Manual shakily kneeled to the unmoving Todoroki and pressed his fingers on his neck. Before he let out a long, relieved sigh and told the others, no. They were okay. Just unconscious. Even Stain.

That was what he heard from the witnesses as Kenji gave each of the kids the hardest glare he could muster. What they did was completely reckless. Stain had killed a lot of heroes, stronger and more capable Heroes, and they thought just because they had a flashy quirk, they could beat him? Rather than facing him up close, they should've stayed behind and called the others. Kirishima protested and said they couldn't leave their friend to die while waiting for help. Then used their power to bring them away from the danger! Rescue, not retaliate. Todoroki could glide using his ice. And Kirishima had trained to use his power efficiently since the start of his internship, boosting his legs and giving him an equivalent speed of the Iida family. They should have used that strategy instead to snatch the victims, who were Native and Iida, away from the battlefield and ran out of there as soon as possible!

These naïve children bowed their heads in shame when he laid that obvious solution to their faces, aware that they'd goofed up this time. Kenji huffed, not in anger but exasperation. This was the problem with Heroes nowadays. Immediately went for the fight response instead of flight. Sure, their reason was noble. Admirable. And he was impressed anyway that they could last against Stain for a while. Yet that will also be their doom one of these days. They should've realized the main job of a hero is to save others. Didn't that brash blonde named Bakugo imply so in his speech at the Sports Festival?

Luckily, they beat Stain before the Hero-Killer could deal serious damage to them. And gave Native a first-aid treatment that saved his life even though they were focused on the fight soon after. Kenji got their permission to let the heroes have the recognition instead of these students, not wanting the media to cauterize them for illegally using their Quirk and be jailed even though they only wanted to save their friend. As he turned towards the door and was ready to go back to the office, Shoto distractedly murmured.

"But I don't remember defeating Stain. Nor did I treat Native. Was it you, Kirishima?"

"Nu-uh. Maybe a hero came to finish the job?"

Now that was intriguing.

Did that mean someone else saved the day? Were the kids actually knocked unconscious before they managed to defeat Stain? Then whoever it was had defended them.

Then, where is he? Or she? Why were they not there when the heroes came along? Staying put and giving them an explanation of what had happened in that alleyway? Either it was an Underground Hero who didn't want the media recording their existence, or it wasn't a hero in the first place at all.


He thought the paperwork wouldn't increase now that the problem of Illegal Quirk use was over. But it seems, that wasn't the case. Tsuragamae Kenji groaned.

What a complicated mess indeed.

(A/N(Original Author)): Yeah, sorry guys. Stain is alive. Pity, the heroes came a lot faster than they should have. Or else Izuku will have time to finish him for good~

Don't worry. Izuku will kill someone one day (no, wait, author. That's wrong! :'D )

Now that Izuku fought back, the law finally applied to him, even if he was Quirkless. But that is if the law enforcement managed to catch him in the first place '3'~

(A/N(This (Kind of) Author)): Sorry this is so late. I was super busy with homework and stuff and I also kind of, maybe 

forgot this book exists. Sorry. I'll try to post a bunch more this week cuz I've got it off and have a lot more free time. 

Oh also, if anyone sees any typos or anything, tell me. Or if you just want to talk, comment.  I actually read the comments. You guys are hilarious. 

Anyway, have a good morning/afternoon/evening (I stole that from Chimera_Regarion, check them out. They're a really good author and a lot of my favorite books are made by them). 

Gosh darn I'm random. 


LFLgam3r, out. 

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